Solifugae - Wikipedia
Solifugae is an order of arachnids known variously as solifuges, sun spiders, camel spiders, and wind scorpions. The order includes more than 1,000 described species in about 147 genera. Despite the common names, they are neither true scorpions (order Scorpiones) nor true spiders (order Araneae).
Solpugids - Camel Spider - Wind Scorpions - DesertUSA
There are roughly one hundred species of Solifugae in the southwest U.S., half the North American total. Only two families (Eremobatidae and Ammotrechidae) occur in North America. At least three species make it into southern Canada, in southeast British Columbia, southern Alberta, and extreme southern Saskatchewan.
Camel Spiders (Solifugae) - Facts, Types, Size, Habitat, Diet,
2024年3月30日 · The solifugae is a distinctive order within the class Arachnida. They are also called camel spiders, sun spiders, scorpion carriers, wind scorpions, or solifuges. Despite their common names, these arachnids are not true spiders …
Solifugae: AAS - American Arachnological Society
Solifuges vary from a few millimeters to 10 centimeters in length and look superficially like stout, hairy, fast-running spiders with an extra pair of legs (leg-like, sensory pedipalps, held out in front of the body). Because they hold their pedipalps in front of the body while running, they also look a bit like desert zombies!
Solifugae - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solifugae is an order of arachnids sometimes called 'camel spiders', 'wind scorpions' or 'sun spiders'. Although they look rather like spiders, they are not spiders, and they are not scorpions. The order includes more than 1,000 species in about 153 genera.
Order Solifugae - Windscorpions - BugGuide.Net
2024年3月19日 · Savary et al. (2005-2008) The arachnid order Solifugae 2. An annotated checklist of continental North American Solifugae with type depositories, abundance,and notes on their zoogeography
Taxonomy and Phylogeny - Solifugae
Solifugae are classified into two suborders – Boreosolifugae and Australosolifugae – with a largely Laurasian and Gondwanan distribution respectively (Kulkarni et al. 2023, 2024).
Solifugae - Arachnology
Also known as camel spiders, sun spiders, and solifuges, among other names, these nocturnal, fast-running hunters are notable for their large chelicerae. They occur mostly in arid habitats. They range in size from 20-70 mm. There are more than 1,100 described species.
Solifugae (solifuges, solifugids, solpugids) - biodiversity explorer
There are 12 families, 140 genera and 1075 species of solifuges worldwide, with six families, 30 genera and 241 species recorded from southern Africa. Thus, 22% of the world solifuge species occur in southern Africa. The Northern Cape (81 species) and Namibia have the highest number of species. The Orange River does not restrict their distribution.
Homepage of The Arachnid Order Solifugae
The site provides information about the biology, taxonomy, and distribution of arachnids contained in the order Solifugae, commonly called “camel spiders.” It is our hope that this site will promote a better understanding of these unique arachnids and …