What SRID should I use for my application and how?
2011年1月17日 · The SRID or EPSG can be different for the country/state/... altough there are some very common ones especially the 2 mentioned by you. If you need specific info what area uses what SRID, there is a database for handling that. Inside your database, you have a table spatial_ref_sys that has the information on what SRID PostGIS knows about.
sql - What is SRID 0 for geometry columns? - Stack Overflow
A SRID of 0 doesn't technically exist, it just means no SRID -- ie, the default if you forget to set it. So, technically, you can still perform distance, intersection and all other queries, so long as both sets of geometries have a SRID of 0.
POSTGIS: ERROR: Operation on mixed SRID geometries. Trying to …
2013年11月27日 · select distinct(ST_SRID(geom)) as srid, count(*) from tableA group by srid; I get the following. srid | count 3566 | 2196 | 18 My attempts at changing the last 18 to 3577 are futile. Each time I update the SRID it says it succeeded or did not find any SRID <> 3577. Any help would be appriciated. I can provided more details in required. Thanks.
How do I change the SRID's for Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY
2013年2月5日 · I've updated USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA easily enough, but the SDO_GEOMETRY containing the data itself has the SRID too and I don't know how to change this. So for example my current data looks like: MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2001,81989,MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(420531.663898,268911.956161,NULL),NULL,NULL)
Oracle Spatial. Get the Projected coordinates [local SRID] and ...
2018年3月12日 · The LONG and LAT Geographic coordinates should be in SRID 4326 [WGS 84] Funtion transform_long_lat_pt create or replace function transform_long_lat_pt(longitude in number, latitude in number) return SDO_GEOMETRY deterministic is begin return sdo_cs.transform(sdo_geometry(2001, 3763, sdo_point_type(longitude, latitude, NULL),NULL, NULL),4326); end;
geoserver - Change srid in mysql - Stack Overflow
2010年8月12日 · Is it possible to change the srid of a column of geometry type? I just want to create a view of geometry type data from the raw latlon data and use it in the geoserver. However after using the pointfromtext function, the type of data I generate is geometry rather than point and geoserver would treat it as an feature typ of byte array which can ...
sql - Using geometry with srid 4326, what unit of measure does ...
Ya, i'm starting to feel like I've been led astray on this anyway... i had read a post where a guy had opted to use geometry instead of geography for a performance gain due to the bounding box you can set with geom, but i'm guessing he was querying over a very small dataset and over small distances.. i'm getting 2x results using geometry with ...
wkt - NetTopologySuite WKTReader ignores SRID - Stack Overflow
2023年5月16日 · And to get them back out, I use the WKTReader. All with the SRID of 4326. I convert them back and forth between their stringified version and shape type. Often times when I got these CCW or invalid range exceptions, it had to do with incorrectly constructing or reading the shapes, wrong SRID. Rather invalid shapes than the shape rotation was ...
Convert from SRID 31287 to 4326 - Stack Overflow
Changing an internal representation is possible in every database: MySQL will get a mutator for it in version 8, ST_SRID, PostGIS has ST_SetSRID; You need to actually convert from SRID 31287 to SRID 4326. This is possible ONLY in PostGIS. Neither MySQL nor …
leaflet - What is the correct SRID? - Stack Overflow
2019年8月2日 · What is the correct SRID for that map? I tried 4326 SRID. Unfortunately when the geometry viewer from PostGIS and the map from leaflet.js render a point, the point shows different location. Thank you.