P-70 Ametist - Wikipedia
The P-70 Ametist (NATO reporting name: SS-N-7 Starbright, GRAU designation 4K66; Russian: П-70 «Аметист» 'Amethyst') was an anti-ship missile carried by Soviet and Indian Project 670 submarines, as well as the Soviet Project 661 Anchar. It was soon succeeded by the P-120 Malakhit (SS-N-9 'Siren').
苏联反舰导弹(3)SS-N-7反舰导弹 - 哔哩哔哩
SS-N-7“紫晶石”导弹是苏联对潜射反舰导弹小型化进行的一次尝试,但射程偏小。 它是世界上第一种实现潜艇水下发射的潜射反舰导弹,共有2种型号:II-20/I与II-70型(对应的英文为P-20L与P-70),生产代号为4K-66。 P-70“紫晶石”反舰导弹可以从水下30米处发射,最大飞行速度310米/秒,采用惯性导航中途制导,末端则通过主动雷达导引头制导,最大射程70~80千米。 可以看出虽然P-70可以从水下发射,但是其射程相比于P-6却短了很多,最大飞行速度也低了不少,这些都是 …
SS-N-7 - Russian / Soviet Nuclear Forces - Federation of American ...
The SS-N-7 is a subsonic, solid-propellant, cruise, anti-ship missile launched from a submerged Soviet submarine. It was a scaled down P-5 [SSN-3 Shaddock] designed to arm Project 670A class [Charlie class] submarines.
SS-N-7 Starbright | missile | Britannica
Beginning in 1971, the SS-N-7 Starbright cruise missile, which could be launched underwater and could strike ships 35 nautical miles (65 km) away, was deployed in Soviet Charlie-class submarines. The SS-N-7 began a series of dive-launched antiship cruise missiles of increasing range, culminating in the SS-N-19 Shipwreck, a supersonic…
SS-N-7 Starbright - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年11月7日 · The SS-N-7 was intended to replace the high altitude, relatively slow SS-N-3, which was vulnerable to air defenses in flight and used a radar seeker that was vulnerable to jamming and...
Soviet Naval Antiship Missiles of the Cold War: 1957-1991 - Blogger
2017年12月16日 · The solution to this problem was the SS-N-7 Starbright - the first submarine launched antiship missile that could be fired while submerged. Despite allowing underwater launch, Starbright was in many ways a less capable weapon than Shaddock.
去伪存真:П-700“花岗岩”反舰飞航导弹技术全解析 - 知乎
切洛梅领导下的设计团队也接连推出了两型战术反舰导弹П-70“紫晶石”(导弹编号4К-66,北约代号SS-N-7“星光”)和 П-120“孔雀石” (导弹编号4К-85,北约代号SS-N-9“海妖”),分别用于装备670型飞航导弹核潜艇(北约代号C-Ⅰ级)与670М型飞航导弹核潜艇(北约代号C-Ⅱ级)。 虽然射程、飞行速度和战斗部重量都不及同期的战役反舰导弹,但“紫晶石”/“孔雀石”均实现了水下发射,且无需依赖外部提供的目标指示。 较短的射程也压缩了敌方组织拦截的反应时间,在特定 …
SS-N-7 Starbright anti-ship missile - Military Periscope
The SS-N-7 was the Soviet navy's first underwater-launched, anti-ship cruise missile and was similar to the French Exocet. It was deployed only in CHARLIE I-class nuclear-propelled guided-missile submarines (SSGNs). The SS-N-7 was succeeded in later CHARLIE II-class SSGNs by the SS-N-9, which had about twice the range of the earlier missile.
苏联帝国留下的红色巨舰(3):岩石系列反航母导弹 - 知乎
2、 P-700 花岗岩 (Granit,3M45,SS-N-19): 1983年服役,重7吨,长10米,直径0.85米,涡轮+冲压发动机,射程625公里,最大速度2.5马赫,半主动雷达制导/末端主动雷达制导,高爆弹头/核弹头(750kg)。 装备于:奥斯卡级核潜艇(大约9艘在役);基洛夫战列巡洋舰(彼得大帝号); 库茨涅佐夫航母 (大修中) 3、 P-800 红宝石 (Ruby,3M55,SS-N-26 ): 2002年服役,重3吨,长8.9米,直径0.7米,冲压发动机,射程800公里,300kg弹头。 (出口型指标均下 …
P-70 Ametist - Weaponsystems.net
The P-70 Ametist is late Cold War era subsonic anti-ship missile of Soviet origin. It was developed in the 1960's for underwater launch by guided missile submarines, significantly improving chances of survival for the launch platform. In the West the P-70 is known by its NATO reporting name "SS-N-7 Starbright".
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