Anybody else using the Stihl hatchet?? - BladeForums.com
2010年12月8日 · The Helko and Stihl have the wooden wedge along with a round metal plug while the Bahco just has a plastic wedge. Also the stamping in the head for the letters and numbers has completely different font between the Stihl and Bahco. I'd really like to know who actually makes this Stihl though just out of curiosity.
Stihl forestry hatchet - BladeForums.com
2020年10月7日 · Soo I have noticed I was severely lacking in the hatchet department And I came across a good deal on a stihl forestry hatchet. Like for $25 new So I have brought it home and spent the last couple hours sanding the laquer and paint off the handle and just beginning to put a real edge on the head. Gonna scorch and linseed oil the handle this weekend.
Anybody else using the Stihl hatchet?? | Page 2 - BladeForums.com
2014年7月5日 · A magnet can't tell us that an axe isn't a manganese alloy. Manganese alloys come in magnetic and non-magnetic varieties. This Stihl axe tests, "0.0 carbon. Only iron and manganese". We may not know the full composition of this Stihl axe. But we know that some manganese alloys are magnetic.
Stihl Pro Splitting Hatchet vs. Woodcutter Univeral Forrestry Axe?
1998年10月14日 · I need more than a hatchet and less than a full axe. What are each head patterns best at? The Pro Splitting axe looks like more of felling axe to me and the Universal Woodcutter looks like an overgrown German pattern hatchet. I have the smaller hatchet but, find the 600g head to be too light though, its one hand use and balance are very nice.
Stihl wood cutter axe - BladeForums.com
2008年3月8日 · I just picked up my first stihl axe and was a little disappointed in the axe head. It came with a dull edge and only one side looks sharpend and the other side looks like they started and only got about 1.5-2" of the top of the other side. …
Stihl hatchet question - BladeForums.com
2023年6月15日 · To answer one of your questions, when I checked earlier this year at a local Stihl dealer, Stihl was still rebranding Ochsenkopf axes. They’re not the most refined of axes, but they are pretty tough. For whatever reason, the rebranded Stihls seem to be much cheaper than the exact same Ochsenkopf axe with a different paint job.
Ochsenkopf Forestry hatchet 800 g or Prandi German Style Hatchet?
1998年10月14日 · I currently own and use the Stihl branded hatchet which I believe is a 600g Ochsenkopf model rebranded as Stihl. The Ochsenkopf and Prandi heads both appear to come from the same foundry. The final head polishing and buffing and handles appear to be the main differences other than the ~$20 price difference.
Stihl 1926 edition axe, what gives? - BladeForums.com
2016年4月8日 · Has anyone else tried, in vain, to get one of the Stihl 1926 axes? Spent more time then is reasonable trying to get one. Not available in North America. Thought I had one located in the UK, they can't ship it to the US So I sent a question to Stihl customer service. Answer, they don't sell them in the US.
Snow and Neally? Penobscot or Hudson or ... ? - BladeForums.com
1998年10月14日 · I should note that I have had shoulder surgery on my dominant side so, a big heavy axe with big swings is not something I'm looking for today. I need more than a hatchet and less than a full blown axe. I think my Stihl hatchet is 13"~14" and ~1.25lbs so, I'm wondering if the S&N Penobscot Bay axe is too small and too similar to my current hatchet.
Collins, Cold Steel, Stihl? - BladeForums.com
2019年12月20日 · The Stihl forestry axe is... Blah. The handle is a club. Their forestry hatchet is a bit chunky in the handle, but a decent value. I like the blade profile, works pretty well. Cold Steel, I can't comment on. I've heard good things about the Trail Boss. I've had quite a few of their products and have never been let down.