KevinKotze/tsm: Time Series Modelling - R Package …
2024年7月29日 · Routines that accompany a course on Time Series Modelling
GitHub - KevinKotze/tsm: Time Series Modelling
2024年7月26日 · This R package contains a few routines that accompany a course on Time Series Modelling. To install the repository the current data from GitHub: Please note that I’m in …
Tutorial: Decomposing Time Series Data - GitHub Pages
To estimate a linear trend we can make use of a linear regression model that includes a time trend and a constant. To estimate such a model we make use of the lm command as follows. The fitted values from the regression would then contain …
tslm function - RDocumentation
tslm is used to fit linear models to time series including trend and seasonality components. tslm(formula, data, subset, lambda = NULL, biasadj = FALSE, ...) Returns an object of class "lm". an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
CRAN: Package tsModel - The Comprehensive R Archive Network
Tools for specifying time series regression models. Please use the canonical form https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=tsModel to link to this page.
TSM-Research | Toulouse School of Management | TSM
TSM-R is today one of the few CNRS UMRs specifically dedicated to the field of management sciences. The research conducted at TSM-R covers the main disciplines of management science: finance, accounting-control-auditing, marketing, human resources management and organisational behaviour, and strategy.
TSM-Research | Toulouse School of Management | TSM
TSM-R est aujourd’hui l’une des rares UMR CNRS spécifiquement dédiée au champ disciplinaire des sciences de gestion. Les recherches menées à TSM-R couvrent les principales disciplines des sciences de gestion: finance, comptabilité-contrôle-audit, marketing, management des ressources humaines et comportement organisationnel, et stratégie.
CRAN: Package hydroTSM - The Comprehensive R Archive Network
S3 functions for management, analysis, interpolation and plotting of time series used in hydrology and related environmental sciences. In particular, this package is highly oriented to hydrological modelling tasks.
tsmp: An R Package for Time Series with Matrix Profile
The tsmp package is a toolkit that allows all-pairs similarity joins, motif, discords and chains discovery, semantic segmentation, etc. Here we describe how the tsmp package may be used by showing some of the use-cases from the original articles and …
ts function - RDocumentation
The function ts is used to create time-series objects. as.ts and is.ts coerce an object to a time-series and test whether an object is a time series. deltat = 1, ts.eps = getOption("ts.eps"), class = , names = ) as.ts(x, …) a vector or matrix of the observed time-series values. A data frame will be coerced to a numeric matrix via data.matrix.