Home - TVET Authority
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) is a public corporate agency established under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Act CAP 210A to regulate and coordinate training in the country through licensing, registration and accreditation of programs, institutions, and trainers.
TVET definition: the TVET meaning and what it stands for
2021年2月8日 · TVET definition: TVET stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Let’s dissect the meaning of each word from the accronym TVET: Technical refers to: subject matters that are technical in nature, relating to hardware and software, including trouble shooting practises and engineering processes.
TVET Madani
KUALA LUMPUR – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) bakal memperluaskan program Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) khas untuk wanita, JELITA (Job Empowerment by Learning and Inclusive Technical Advancement), ke Uzbekistan.
Home - Technical and Vocational Education and Training
2022年9月13日 · Applications are invited from suitable qualified and interested female candidates to join Uganda Technical Colleges (TVET) in the following scarce skills Diploma programs dominated by male tenable at recognized Technical Colleges.
Vocational education - Wikipedia
Vocational education is known by a variety of names, depending on the country concerned, including career and technical education, [2] or acronyms such as TVET (technical and vocational education and training; used by UNESCO) and TAFE (technical and further education).
The Benefits of TVET: Why Technical and Vocational Education …
2023年1月23日 · Technical and Vocational Education and Training, or TVET, is a type of education and training that focuses on providing students with practical skills and knowledge for a specific trade or vocation.
Commission for Technical and Vocational Educational and Training
The Commission’s primary responsibility is to regulate, promote and administer technical and vocational education and training for transformation and innovation for sustainable development. Call these lines if you have any grievances. Copyright 2025 CTVET. All rights reserved.
TVETipedia Glossary - UNESCO-UNEVOC
TVET stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Technical refers to: subject matters that are technical in nature, relating to hardware and software, including trouble shooting practises and engineering processes.
What is Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)? According to the definition by UNESCO and the International Labor Organization (ILO), TVET refers to “aspects of the educational process involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences, and the
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) - giz.de
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is a central pillar of sustainable and viable economic development. It contributes to the achievement of all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus promotes a lifestyle that is economically, socially and ecologically sustainable.