GREAT ! Call, name etc.. on Display of TYT MD2017 and Retevis RT …
2019年1月30日 · TYT-2017 UV-(CSV)V3.33 and UV-(CSV-GPS)V3.33 these are different to the regular V3.33 versions. Will this change the info I already have in it No. It should leave any existing code plug as is. The csv database is saved in a separate area. It's always wise however to read your code plug from the radio and save it before proceeding, just in case.
Easy Instructions to use the NEW Retevis Rt-82 & TYT MD-2017
2017年6月29日 · Hi, i am pleasure to present you the E ASY ISTRUCTIONS to operate whit the NEW dualbander Retevis RT-82 or TYT Tytera MD-2017 …. Sorry it’s a short GUIDE for beginners.... not for expert, hi Is made by Steve W4CNG in English and …
DMR digital for ham-radio : best Retevis Rt3 or MD-380 TYT - QRZ …
2016年11月6日 · TYT/Retevis DMR radios are basically trunked radios and very simple to use. They furthermore are suitable for EMCOMM, as you can define channels for different purposes and groups.
HamRadioReviews blog post: TYT TH-8600 25W Mini Mobile Radio
2016年10月4日 · TYT website PC programming software easy to use and quick. (note, install to a root directory or it will not write to your file) 3. ISSUE: Specs say "dual watch" function, however, receiving signal locks out the audio from alternate vfo channel unless you key down on that vfo.
2017 : NEW Dualbander DMR coming soon by TYT and Retevis
2017年6月6日 · the RT-82 by RETEVIS (same of the TYT !) now start to buy ! the MD-2017 by TYT Tytera coming soon at the end of june ? and the ALIUNCE HD-1 by Retevis for ham-radio with a real VFO and the MD380tools inside !!!
The TYT TH-9800 Quad Band Transceiver now released
2013年12月27日 · We have received our first batch of the new TYT TH-9800 Quad Band Transceivers, we are currently putting 2 of them through the paces and early tests show they are exceptional rigs. I have produced a short video of them …
Retevis RT82 and TYT MD-2017 – Upload full DMR ID list
2018年2月21日 · This video is for the Retevis RT82 and the procedure works as well for the TYT MD-2017.
My review of the TYT TH-350 Tri-Band handheld radio
2018年9月9日 · I am having problems with this stinker. I'm getting an "echo" when I press any button and "How" do you seperate the bands, 144, 220, 440, etc. so they can all be different bands?
HR2.0 Episode 117 - Retevis RT-82 & TYT MD-2017 Comparison, …
2017年10月30日 · I've been wanting to do a comparison video for a while between the TYT MD2017 and the Retevis RT-82 dual band DMR HTs, which are essentially the same radio. They both take the same CPS, cable and codeplug, but there are …
TYT TH-9000D Off Frequency! Tune-up part 1 - QRZ Forums
2023年1月30日 · TYT TH-9000D Off Frequency! Tune-up part 1. Discussion in 'Videos, Podcasts, & Blogs' started by W3AXL ...