什么是反玉米素核苷(反式玉米素核苷,trans-Zeatin Riboside,tZR…
最后,什么是反玉米素核苷(反式玉米素核苷,trans-Zeatin Riboside,tZR)呢? 玉米素核苷是最活跃和普遍以天然形式存在的细胞分裂素。 玉米素核苷在结构上也有顺、反两种异构体,反式异构体(反玉米素核苷)的活性相对更强些。
Yamaha TZR125 - Wikipedia
TZR1253TY Yamaha TZR 125cc -87. Yamaha introduced the TZR125 in 1987 and production ended in 1992. It is identified by the single square headlight at the front of the box fairing, clip-ons located on top of the yoke, single seat and conventional forks. Later TZR's can be identified by three-spoke alloy wheels and a rear disc brake.
Systemic transport of trans-zeatin and its precursor have ... - Nature
2017年7月24日 · Previous studies suggested that LOG-independent pathways activate cytokinin signalling, such as the perception of tZR by receptors as a weakly active cytokinin 20,21 and conversion of tZR to tZ...
Yamaha TZR250 - Wikipedia
TZR 250 2MA modified for racing. The Yamaha TZR250 is a motorcycle manufactured and produced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer Yamaha between 1986 and 1995. [3] Yamaha produced the road going two-stroke motorcycle, loosely based on the TZ250 Yamaha racing bike. Parallel-twin, reverse cylinder and finally 90° V-twin variants were produced.
玉米素核苷(ZR)/反式玉米素核苷(TZR)检测 - 知乎
玉米素核苷(trans-Zeatin-riboside, ZR),又称为反式玉米素核苷(TZR)、反玉米素核苷、玉精核糖甙,是一种植物内源激素,属于细胞分裂素,能促使细胞分裂,主要在根内合成。
山葉TZR - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
山葉tzr為日本 山葉發動機公司所研發生產的一系列摩托車,為該公司1960-90年代當家的二行程運動型機種,也是rz系列的後繼車。搭載水冷二行程引擎,進汽方式為曲軸箱簧片閥。
Icepak打开TZR文件 - CSDN博客
2018年9月30日 · TZR文件是ANSYS Icepak的项目打包文件,包含重建Icepak工程所必须的Job,Model和 Problem文件。 ANSYS官方客服端网站提供大量的TZR文件供客户下载,需要注意的是,TZR文件并不包含网格和计算结果。
All YAMAHA TZR models and generations by year, specs reference …
yamaha tzr 250 (2ma) 1986 - 1990 Designed to replace the RD 250 and RD 350, the TZR 250 was born in 1986. The 2MA variant was known in the UK, while in Japan the bike was familiar under the...
Tom Zont Racing
TZR builds very fast yet reliable engines, and his knowledge of the inner working of suspension makes for a bike that is easy to go fast on. TZR is truly a diamond in the rough...for now any ways.” — Jimmy Povolny Fly Racing/Pro SX/MX Rider. I have used TZR a few times and have come away completed satisfied each time.
ヤマハ・TZR - Wikipedia
ヤマハ・tzr(ティーゼットアール)は、rzシリーズの後継機種としてヤマハ発動機から発売されたオートバイである。 水冷 2ストロークエンジン を搭載し、 フルカウル を装備したレーサーのような外観であったが、万人向けの乗りやすさも考慮した ...