Band insulator to Mott insulator transition in 1T-TaS2 - Nature
2020年8月24日 · 1 T -TaS 2 undergoes successive phase transitions upon cooling and eventually enters an insulating state of mysterious origin. Some consider this state to be a band insulator …
Unconventional superconductivity in chiral molecule–TaS2 hybrid ...
2024年6月26日 · By incorporating chiral molecules into conventional superconductor lattices such as TaS2 to form a hybrid superlattice, non-centrosymmetry could be introduced and can be …
Enhanced superconductivity in atomically thin TaS2 - Nature
2016年3月17日 · Tantalum disulphide (TaS 2) is another member of the TMDC family. In its bulk state, TaS 2 is composed of robust covalently bonded S–Ta–S planes that stack upon each …
Tantalum(IV) sulfide - Wikipedia
Tantalum (IV) sulfide is an inorganic compound with the formula Ta S 2. It is a layered compound with three-coordinate sulfide centres and trigonal prismatic or octahedral metal centres. [2] . It …
二硫化钽 - 百度百科
Tas2 [说明]: Tas 2 黑色粉末或晶体。 熔点>1300℃,微溶于氢氟酸加硝酸,不溶于盐酸 [1] .富流动性,具有与NbS2,TiS2等同样的 层状结构 .不仅金属原子,许多有机分子或有机金属分子也能 …
硫化钽 - 百度百科
硫化钽(Tantalum (IV) sulfide),别称二硫化钽,分子式是TaS2,分子量是245.0779。 为黑色粉末或晶体,不溶于水,微溶于氢氟酸加硝酸,不溶于盐酸。 可以用作固体润滑剂。
Abnormal Metal–Semiconductor-Like Transition and Exceptional …
2023年6月26日 · Interlayer coupling and stacking order play essential roles in shaping the exotic electronic properties of two-dimensional materials. Here, we employ restacked TaS 2 ─a novel …
强磁场团队发现1T-TaS2晶体绝缘态的二象性 - USTC
近年来,TaS2兼具莫特(Mott)绝缘态、电荷密度波(CDW)和超导态等丰富物态,是探究关联拓扑电子及其演变的理想材料。 在过去的40年中,1T相TaS2(1T-TaS2)绝缘态的本质是一个长期存 …
张焱课题组及合作者在1T-TaS2材料中发现能带绝缘体到莫特绝缘 …
2020年8月25日 · 1T-TaS2是一种具有丰富物相的层状二维材料。 其在经过多个电荷密度波相变后,在低温下变为绝缘体。 而这一现象的起因一直存疑。
Gate-tunable phase transitions in thin flakes of 1T-TaS2 - Nature
2015年1月26日 · We develop a new doping method that utilizes a gate electric field to drive Li ions in and out of the layered 1T-TaS 2 and introduces high doping levels in each atomic layer.