Tupolev Tu-2 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-2 (development names ANT-58 and 103; NATO reporting name Bat) is a twin-engined Soviet high-speed daylight and frontline bomber aircraft used during World War II. The Tu-2 was tailored to meet a requirement for a high-speed bomber or dive-bomber , with a large internal bomb load and speed similar to that of a single-seat fighter.
图-2轰炸机 - 百度百科
图-2轰炸机(英语:Tupolev Tu-2,又译为:杜-2),是苏联图波列夫设计局在第二次世界大战期间研制的一种双发多用途螺旋桨轰炸机,北约代号为“球棒”。图-2轰炸机采用了全金属结构,飞机的机身、机翼和蒙皮使用平滑的硬铝,发动机和起落架安装架是钢材。
圖-2轟炸機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
圖-2轟炸機是第二次世界大戰中蘇聯 圖波列夫設計局研發的一款中型轟炸機,原本稱為ant-50,1942年改稱為"圖-2"(tu-2)。 圖-2在 第二次世界大戰 時作為 蘇聯紅軍 的水平轟炸機甚至俯衝轟炸機,參與了 德蘇戰爭 中後期各戰役。
Tupolev Tu-2 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Tupolev Tu-2 (Development names ANT-58 and 103, NATO reporting name: Bat) was a twin-engine Soviet (high) speed daylight bomber (SDB) front line bomber (FB) aircraft of World War II vintage. The Tu-2 was tailored to meet a requirement for a …
图-2轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年7月15日 · 图-2轰炸机 是第二次世界大战中 苏联 图波列夫设计局 研发的一款中型轰炸机,原本称为ANT-50,1942年改称为"图-2"(Tu-2)。 图-2在 第二次世界大战 时作为 苏联红军 的水平轰炸机甚至俯冲轰炸机,参与了 德苏战争 中后期各战役。 研制目标对标 Ju-88轰炸机。 1941年1月29日首飞。 采用两台ASh-82活塞风冷发动机,三叶螺旋桨,单台1450马力,性能完胜 Pe-2前线轰炸机。 1942年8月22日首架生产型称图-2。 图波列夫为此无罪释放,并在1943年得 …
Tu-2 - WW2 Weapons
Russian attack bomber Tupolev Tu-2. History, development, service, specifications, pictures and 3D model. Because of total preoccupation with the existing Pe-2, not many Tu-2 bombers saw action in WW2. This is one in early 1945, when some …
Tupolev Tu-2 (Bat) Twin-Engine Fast Bomber / Multirole Aircraft
2018年10月22日 · "Tu-2" was the definitive series marker of 1942 outfitted with 2 x Shvetsov ASh-82 air-cooled engines of 1,450 horsepower. The Tu-2S was an updated design of 1943 with 2 x Shvetsov ASh-82FN radial piston engines of 1,850 horsepower. A long-range variant, the Tu-2D, was unveiled in October of 1944 with larger wings and five crew.
Tupolev Tu-2: The Versatile Bomber of the Motherland
The Tu-2 was developed urgently during World War II to fill the Soviet need for a fast, multi-role bomber. It featured a sleek design and twin radial engines, reaching speeds up to 540 km/h and carrying up to 3,000 kg of bombs.
Tupolev Tu-2 and Variants - War History
2015年9月8日 · The Tu-2 was a Soviet medium bomber that compiled an impressive record in World War II. Its success is especially remarkable considering that it was designed in a prison. In 1937 the Russian aircraft engineer Andrei Tupolev was accused of passing secrets to the Germans and was incarcerated in a Soviet gulag.
最顽强的强击机——Tu-2及其改型 - 百家号
2025年2月24日 · Tu-2是苏联中型轰炸机,由安德烈·图波列夫在古拉格集中营设计。该机型性能出色,对德军造成毁灭性打击。生产至1948年,总产量2557架。战后用于多种测试,包括涡轮喷气发动机和空中加油技术。
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