German submarine U-57 (1938) - Wikipedia
German submarine U-57 was a Type IIC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine that served in the Second World War. She was built by Deutsche Werke in Kiel as yard number 256. Ordered on 17 June 1937, she was laid down on 14 September, launched on 3 September 1938 and commissioned on 29 December under the command of Oberleutnant zur See Claus Korth.
U-57号潜艇 (1938年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
U-57号(德語: U 57 )是纳粹德国 战争海军建造的八艘II-C型 近岸 ( 英语 : Coastal submarine ) 潜艇(或称U艇)之一。 它由 基尔 的 德意志造船厂 承建,于1938年9月3日 下水 ,至同年12月29日 交付使用 ( 英语 : Ship commissioning ) 。
The Type IIC U-boat U-57 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Sank at 0015hrs on 3 September 1940 at Brunsbüttel, in position 53.53N, 09.09E, after an accidental collision with the Norwegian steamship Rona. 6 dead and 19 survivors. Raised on 9 September and decommissioned at Kiel on 16 September 1940. Repaired by Deutsche Werke AG and returned to service on 11 January 1941.
SM U-57 - Wikipedia
SM U-57 was one of the 329 submarines serving in the Imperial German Navy in World War I. U-57 was engaged in naval warfare and took part in the First Battle of the Atlantic.
German submarine U-57 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-57 (1938), a Type IIC submarine that served in the Second World War until sunk 3 September 1940; raised later in the month and returned to service on 11 January 1941; scuttled on 3 May 1945
U-57&U-58 - 哔哩哔哩
作为一艘小小的II型潜艇,U-57幸运地得到了上前线的机会,并且在2任出色的艇长的指挥下,取得了不小的战绩。 她的第一任艇长:克劳斯·科恩(Klaus Korth)上尉自1938年12月29日起就执掌U-57的指挥,在第五舰队训练半年多后。 在对英宣战日时她终于迎来了出征的机会,她的头2次巡逻只是白忙一场,但第三次出击时击沉2艘1000t级的商船,共2949t。 差不多1个月后她又在第四次巡逻时击沉了1艘爱沙尼亚商船。 在新年的第一次巡逻中,除了鱼雷击沉的1艘挪威船之外,她 …
二战德国海军——潜航猎手U57 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
本人有幸收藏到一张原品的u-57潜艇照片,为了满足本人好奇心害死猫的精神和求知的精神,找到些资料没有想到还是很有意思的,以下是本人搜集的资料有感兴趣二战的和二战德国的小伙伴可以一起学习交流 u-57(iic型) u…
U 57 - German and Austrian U-boats of World War One
Take a look at U 57 from WWII. The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. Over 40.000 pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to …
U-57号潜艇 (1938年) - Wikiwand
u-57号(德语:)是纳粹德国战争海军建造的八艘ii-c型近岸潜艇(或称u艇)之一。 它由基尔的德意志造船厂承建,于1938年9月3日下水,至同年12月29日交付使用。
German submarine U-57 (1938) | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-57 was a Type IIC U-boat of the Nazi German Kriegsmarine that served in the Second World War. She was built by Deutsche Werke AG in Kiel as 'werk' 256. Ordered on 17 June 1937, she was laid down on 14 September, launched on 3 September 1938 and commissioned on 29 December...