German submarine U-123 (1940) - Wikipedia
German submarine U-123 was a Type IXB U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine that operated during World War II. After that conflict, she became the French submarine Blaison (Q165) [1] …
U-123号潜艇 (1918年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
陛下之123号潜艇 (德語: SM U 123[註 1])是 德意志帝国海军 建造的 UE-II型 远程布雷 潜艇 或称 U艇 的七号艇。 它由 汉堡 的 布洛姆与福斯船厂 承建,于1918年1月26日 下水,至同年7 …
The Type IXB U-boat U-123 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
U-123 was one of the most famous U-boats in the war. U-123 took part in the opening of the Paukenschlag (Drumbeat) operations in January 1942 and completed two very successful …
U-123号潜艇 (1918年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年1月8日 · 陛下之123号潜艇 (德语: SM U 123[注 1])是 德意志帝国海军 建造的 UE-II型 远程布雷 潜艇 或称 U型潜艇 的七号艇。 它由 汉堡 的 布洛姆与福斯船厂 承建,于1918年1 …
U-123号潜艇 - 百度百科
1940年11月23日晨,穆赫攻击了OB-244护航船队并在5个小时内击沉5艘商船,总吨位23084吨。由于不慎与一艘沉船发生了水下碰撞,U-123被迫撤出战斗并返回基地。4次战斗巡逻任务以 …
German submarine U-123 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-123 (1940), a Type IXB submarine that served in World War II until she was taken out of service on 17 June 1944; scuttled on 19 August 1944; raised and became the …
The Manhattan U-Boat - German Submarine New York City
In January 1942, a single German U-boat successfully got close enough to New York City to take film of Manhattan skyscrapers. This is the story of U-123's daring mission as part of Operation...
U-123(下) - 哔哩哔哩
u-123在4月2日试图炮击“自由”号油轮,但在将其陷入火海后却被一艘英国鱼雷艇驱离,只能算是击伤。 此外U-123还击伤过“俄克拉荷马”号油轮和“埃索·巴顿·鲁格”号油轮。
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