German submarine U-198 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-198, was a Type IXD2 U-boat which fought in World War II. She was built by the Deschimag DeSchiMAG AG Weser in Bremen. She was laid down on 1 August 1941 as yard number 1044, launched on 15 June 1942 and commissioned on 3 November under Kapitän zur See Werner Hartmann.
R U198 and Subclades - Background - FamilyTreeDNA
This is a project to help draw together those who test positive for the SNP known as U198 (aka M467, S29) or for any of its "downstream" SNPs. Our haplogroup is currently known as R-U198. Our scope is YDNA only.
The Type IXD2 U-boat U-198 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
18.10 hrs, NE of the Cape Verde Islands: a British Sunderland flying boat (RAF Sqn 204/H) dropped eight bombs on U-198, one of which hit the stern, but bounced off without detonating.At 20.40 hrs, the same Sunderland dropped four more bombs on the boat, again without causing damage. (Sources: Rohwer/Ritschel)
FamilyTreeDNA Discover - Y-DNA Haplogroup R-U198
With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-U198 was born between the years 2059 and 1043 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1515 BCE , rounded to 1500 BCE .
R-U198 (S29) Project-page 5 - meekdna.com
R-U198 is very old - probably between 4 and 5 millennia! Age estimates are subject to considerable uncertainly but are improving. Around half of R-U198 belongs to its main downstream clade, R-S15627 and around a quarter belongs …
FamilyTreeDNA - R1b-U198
R1b-U198 - Y-DNA Classic Chart. For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage.
German submarine U-198 | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-198, was a Type IXD2 U-boat which fought in World War II. She was built by the Deschimag AG Weser in Bremen. She was laid down on 1 August 1941 as 'werk' 1044, launched on 15 June 1942 and commissioned on 3 November under …
R-U198 Y-DNA Project - meekdna.com
Our R-U198 haplogroup is defined by the presence of a particular “SNP” marker. If you are unfamiliar with this term you can find an explanation here: explanation of STR & SNP markers. Our project deals with a sub-clade defined by the presence of a positive test result for a special marker called a “SNP”.
U198 (S29) Project-page 4 - meekdna.com
The R-U198 project works closely with YDNA testing companies to name our new SNP discoveries, develop our haplogroup tree and make selected SNPs available for cheap standalone testing. This can greatly assist family research through SNP study projects.
R-U198 YTree - yfull.com
R-U198 S1686 * FGC43791(H) * FGC43793 +3 SNPs formed 3400 ybp, TMRCA 3400 ybp info. R-U198* id:HGDP00522 FRAfra; R-BY94320 BY94320 * BY98219 * FT126580 +17 SNPs formed 3400 ybp, TMRCA 800 ybp info. id:YF120320 USA [US-WI]eng; R-Y37240 Y37761 * Y37763 * Y37764 +27 SNPs formed 3400 ybp, TMRCA 300 ybp info. id:YF011220 ENG; id:YF011219 ENG