U6t | Six Driver Universal In-Ear Monitor - 64 Audio
In standard 64 Audio fashion, U6t is a balanced natural sounding earphone, slightly set apart from our other UIEM models by offering a softer presentation of a mix. Beautiful upper-mid imaging, realistically presenting instruments like guitars and piano as well as breathing life into saturated mid-bass mixes, especially when vocal focused.
U6t | UWL x 64 AUDIO
U6t使用全新內結構設計,以適應U系列較小型的機身。64 Audio以一組3D打印製作的聲學結構,來整合六顆單體和tia的專用反射聲學室,所有單體擺放的位置都經過數位運算,以最短的途徑將聲音傳遞到耳內,並補償各個聲音頻段的時間相位差。
【耳边评测】万元耳塞也谈“性价比”?64 Audio U6t体验谈_耳机_ …
2021年8月13日 · U6t并不一味追求强劲的力度与弹性,而是把清脆与浓重、干净与浑浊的演奏效果区分得十分清晰;低频下潜相当深,打击乐器泛音不相互侵扰,一首曲子听下来令人觉得韵味十足。
进阶玩家的强悍利器—64audio U6t - 哔哩哔哩
U6t的三频能量均衡自然,接近梯形的分配状态,为何不说是金字塔形,因为tia高音实在是太自然宽松了,丝毫没有尖锐的感觉,在保持一定亮度的情况下兼顾了结像的完整和平滑,空气感十足,确实称得上是64 audio家的独门绝技。
兼听则明 - 64 AUDIO U6T 他们如是说 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
64 Audio U6t Review - Headfonics
2021年9月12日 · We review the 64 Audio U6t is a universal multi-BA driver in-ear monitor featuring the company's apex filter system, LID, and tia technology.
64 Audio U6t | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2021年12月30日 · 64 Audio’s most popular CIEM now available in a universal form. Drawing from the sonic palette of U12t, U6t is our most affordable audiophile monitor to date. Boasting the same groundbreaking technology as our flagship IEMs in our ergonomic aluminum shell to make it more accessible than ever.
64 Audio – U6t Review - Headfonia Reviews
2021年11月23日 · The U6t is 64’s second most affordable audiophile monitor to date (after the Duo – $1,199 USD). The U6t is featuring the same technology as 64 Audio’s flagship IEMs and they have incorporated it in their ergonomic aluminum shell to make it more accessible than ever .
Introducing U6t: New Universal IEM from 64 Audio
2021年6月30日 · By introducing U6t, we’ve created a balanced natural sounding earphone, slightly set apart from our other UIEM models; offering a softer presentation of a mix. Beautiful upper-mid imaging, realistically presenting instruments like guitars and piano as well as breathing life into saturated mid-bass mixes, especially when vocal focused.
【耳边评测】万元耳塞也谈“性价比”?64 Audio U6t体验谈 - 哔哩 …
进阶玩家的强悍利器 —— 64 Audio U6t
2021年9月1日 · 今天就与各位分享一下U6t的听感。 U6t腔体造型上依然是家族式的经典样式,但是体积相较于他的大哥们要明显小一圈,这意味着U6t的佩戴将更加舒适,也更加适合东亚玩家较小的耳廓,全黑的透明面板、银色的LOGO配以深灰色的磨砂腔体,与大哥们各种花俏的 ...
64 Audio U6t 6-driver Universal In-ear Monitors - Sweetwater
Drawing from 64 Audio's popular U12t, the U6t boasts the same revolutionary technology as the company’s flagship in-ears at a more accessible price point. You’ll enjoy resonance- and distortion-free listening thanks to U6t’s Tia system, while an Apex Core ensures effortless audio reproduction and minimal wearing fatigue.
U6t|64 Audio 香港總代理|PSA 官方網店 - psoundasia.com
U6t 遺傳了高階監聽型號 U12t 的開鍵因子,應用 tia™、APEX™、LID™ 等以專業音頻市場及發燒用家為本的獨特技術,將最純粹的聲音化為動聽音符。 U6t 使用了全新的內結構設計,以適應 U 系列較小型的機身。
64 Audio U6t Review - Predictably Satisfying – Headphones.com
2021年7月26日 · The U6t is an easy IEM to drive, and you should experience no trouble running it off of any sources. Thanks to 64 Audio’s LID (linear impedance) technology, the U6t also has a fairly flat impedance curve; its frequency response won’t change depending on your source.
64 Audio U6t Universal-Fit Earphones - Audio46 Headphone Store
In standard 64 Audio fashion, U6t is a balanced natural sounding earphone, slightly set apart from our other UIEM models by offering a softer presentation of a mix. Beautiful upper-mid imaging, realistically presenting instruments like guitars and piano as well as breathing life into saturated mid-bass mixes, especially when vocal focused.
64 Audio U6t Review
2021年7月15日 · U6t delivers the deliberately “bad” aspects off the recording, like the scratchiness in the over-distorted guitar, in stunning detail. The quality of the drums revealed by the U6t, with crisp cymbal crashes, snappy snare hits, and detailed sounding toms, helps let you in on the fact that this recording is actually quite good.
64Audio U6T Review – Vibrant, Vivacious – Everyday Listening
2021年8月28日 · The original U6 remains a personal favourite as a warm, coherent earphone with a rich voicing. The U6t is a total refinement, taking very clear inspiration from the U12t’s signature and filtering it down to a significantly more attainable price point – you can see why this has become 64 Audio’s best-selling model.
64 Audio U6t In-Ear Monitor Headphones 6-driver universal iems
In standard 64 Audio fashion, U6t is a balanced natural sounding earphone, slightly set apart from our other UIEM models by offering a softer presentation of a mix. Beautiful upper-mid imaging, realistically presenting instruments like guitars and piano as well as breathing life into saturated mid-bass mixes, especially when vocal focused.
- 评论数: 3
64 Audio U6t - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2021年12月30日 · My crazy take: in my very limited experience I would say that the 64 Audio U6t is almost ZMF-like, as if the Eikon and Auteur had a baby and that baby was an IEM. The U6t hits hard, has fantastic timbre, and has an engaging and fun frequency response, though the bass doesn't rumble in the same way.