2019年5月21日 · The Ultra-Brief 2-Item Screener (UB-2) is a clinician-administered two-item interview designed for large-scale delirium case identification. The two items are “please tell …
2: Please tell me the months of the year backward, say December as your first month MISSED MONTH If participant finished reciting months but missed one or more, it is incorrect and no …
UB 2 Acupuncture Point Theory - Yin Yang House
The acupuncture point "UB 2" , 攢竹, is represented by "Zan Zhu" in pinyin and "Bamboo Gathering" in english and may be found: On the medial end of the eyebrow, directly above the …
AGS COCARE®: CAM AND HELP TOOLS - American Delirium Society
The UB-CAM uses items from the 3D-CAM and adaptive testing for an even quicker CAM-based diagnostic assessment. The UB-CAM is a 2-step protocol that begins with the UB-2, a 2- item …
The UB-CAM can be used for quick bedside assessment of delirium. It uses items of the 3DCAM and adaptive testing for an even quicker CAM-based diagnostic assessment. The UB-CAM is …
Ultra-Brief Confusion Assessment Method (UB-CAM) - NIDUS
The UB-CAM was created by combining the UB-2 Ultra-brief screen with the 3D-CAM, a 3-minute diagnostic assessment for delirium. Learn more about the creation of the new Ultra-Brief …
Acupuncture.Com - Acupuncture Points - Urinary Bladder UB 2
Urinary Bladder 2 Chinese Name : Cuanzhu (English translation: Bamboo Gathering) Location: On the face, in the depression on the medial end of the eyebrow, on the supraorbital notch.
UB-2号潜艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
陛下之UB-2号艇(德语: SM UB 2 [注 1] )是德意志帝国海军于第一次世界大战期间建造的UB-I型 近岸作战潜艇 ( 英语 : Coastal submarine ) 或称U艇的二号艇。它由基尔的日耳曼尼 …
磁気センサ型 指タッピング装置 UB-2|健康・理美容・医 …
「磁気センサ型 指タッピング装置 UB-2」は、指のタッピング運動を通して脳の状態がわかる、今までにない *1 新たなツールです。 手指は第二の脳であるといわれ、脳の中でも多くの領 …
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