UB-88号潜艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
陛下之UB-88号艇 (德語: SM UB 88[註 1])是 德意志帝国海军 于 第一次世界大战 期间建造的其中一艘 UB-III型 近岸潜艇 或称 U艇。 它由 汉堡 的 伏尔铿船厂 承建,于1917年12月11日 新 …
SM UB-88 - Wikipedia
SM UB-88 was a German Type UB III submarine or U-boat in the German Imperial Navy (German: Kaiserliche Marine) during World War I. She was commissioned into the German …
UB-88號潛艇 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
陛下之UB-88號艇 (德語: SM UB 88 [註 1] )是 德意志帝國海軍 於 第一次世界大戰 期間建造的其中一艘 UB-III型 近岸潛艇 (英語:Coastal submarine) 或稱 U艇 。 它由 漢堡 的 伏爾鏗 …
UB88 Submarine
The following pages are a historical and photographic record of the life, death and rediscovery of the UB88. UB88 served ten months in the Imperial German Navy and sank 13 allied ships. …
UB88 - The Lost Submarine
The UB88 Project was formed from the common desire to be the first to locate and document the only German U-boat off the west coast of the United States. We didn't stop with the attainment …
UB88 - General Description
The UB 88 was a small straight torpedo type of submarine (UB-III class), carrying ten torpedoes, one 8.8 cm. gun, and bombs which were used for destroying surrendered merchant vessels. …
ub88 - archive23.pigboats.com
Four of the U-boats turned over the US at the end of WWI are tied alongside each other in New York's Navy Yard, sometime between April 27 and May 5, 1919. The UB-88 can be seen in …
UB-88 - PigBoats.COM
2024年10月22日 · The German submarine UB-88 was surrendered to the Allies at Wilhemshaven at the end of the war on November 11, 1918. She was interred there for two weeks before …
UB-88 (World War I Prize Submarine) - NHHC
UB-88, assigned to the I U-Flotille Flandern (First Submarine Flotilla, Flanders) at Zeebrugge on the Belgian coast, cleared Kiel, Germany, on 4 June 1918 and set course to proceed around …
UB-88號潛艦 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
陛下之UB-88號艇 (德語: SM UB 88[註 1])是 德意志帝國海軍 於 第一次世界大戰 期間建造的其中一艘 UB-III型 近岸潛艦 (英語:Coastal submarine) 或稱 U艇。 它由 漢堡 的 伏爾鏗船廠 …