Uranium hexafluoride - Wikipedia
Uranium hexafluoride, sometimes called hex, is an inorganic compound with the formula U F 6. Uranium hexafluoride is a volatile, toxic white solid that is used in the process of enriching …
六氟化鈾 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
六氟化鈾(英語: uranium hexafluoride )是一种铀的化合物,其化学式为UF 6 。 六氟化铀被用于制取 浓缩铀 ,因此在 核工业 中有很重要的价值。 标准状况 下,六氟化铀为灰色的 晶体 。
六氟化铀 - 百度百科
六氟化铀是一种无机化合物,分子式为uf 6 。常温常压下为无色或淡黄色晶体。具有 放射性 。 相对密度 4.68~5.09。熔点64.5~64.8℃(三相点 温度)。沸点56.4℃。它是由 四氟化铀 在氟气 …
Uranium hexafluoride | UF6 | CID 24560 - PubChem
2009年5月28日 · Uranium hexafluoride is a fluoride of uranium. It is used for fuel in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. Uranium is a chemical element that has the symbol U and …
电容的单位怎么换算?F,NF,PF,UF? - 百度知道
即:1F(法拉)=1000 mF(毫法)=10^6 μF(微法)=10^9nF(纳法)=10^12pF(皮法)。 在国际单位制里 电容的单位是法拉,简称法,符号是F,由于法拉这个单位太大,所以常用的电 …
Uranium hexafluoride - Energy Education
Uranium hexafluoride - with the chemical formula UF 6 - is a chemical compound that contains one atom of uranium and six atoms of fluorine (see figure 1). In its solid form, uranium …
Uranium Conversion | NRC.gov
2020年12月2日 · The process to convert uranium ore concentrate (uranium oxide) powder to UF 6 involves a number of volatile and soluble chemicals including fluorine, hydrofluoric acid, and …
Uranium Hexafluoride - Molecule of the Month - Bristol
As the most volatile uranium compound, UF 6 was an obvious choice for use, but because of its high reactivity and problems associated with its handling, many alternatives were investigated, …
<br>六氟化铀气体水解的动力学研究,RSC Advances - X-MOL
uf 6通常用于浓缩技术,已知它会与水蒸气快速反应,形成放射性颗粒和氢氟酸蒸气。 首次直接观察到UF 6水解反应的动力学。 UF 6和水的速率分别为半阶和二阶,速率常数为1.19 ± 0.22 …
and F). In the case of a storage cylinder of UF. 6, the typical neutron dose rate from natural to 5% enriched uranium would be expected to be 0.01 to 0.2 mrem/hr. Neutron dose rates from P-10 …