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press release Honeywell Acquires Air Products' Liquefied Natural Gas Process Technology and Equipment Business. The acquisition allows Honeywell to offer a comprehensive suite of technologies, including natural gas pre-treatment and state-of-the-art liquefaction, utilizing automation and digital technologies under the Honeywell Experion and Forge platforms.
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Over the last century, Honeywell UOP’s engineers and chemists have shaped the refining, petrochemical and gas processing industries by turning laboratory science into industrial reality.
Capitalized terms used herein are defined throughout these terms or in the UOP proposal(s) (UOP commercial proposal and/or UO P technical proposal(s), as applicable “UOP Proposal” ), in addition to the definitions given below.
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HITC addresses challenges of customer’s changing feedstock and product slates, energy efficiency, profitability and the efficient production of sustainable, clean and green fuels.
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Webinar NVIRO Caustic Effluent . Waste stream management continues to be an environmental concern, as well as a business concern. Escalating costs from unplanned shutdowns, unreliable treatment systems, and increasingly stricter environmental regulations play into the need for a better industry solution.
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UOP adsorbents remove impurities to help you avoid costly equipment failure and plant shutdowns, reduce hazardous conditions and meet high-purity product specifications. With a vast portfolio of molecular sieve and activated alumina adsorbents, our experts can help identify the right adsorbent solution to meet your goals.
UOP History
UOP Milestones: 1914: Dubbs Cracking Process . 1938: High Octane Aviation Gasoline . 1949: Platforming™ Process . 1953: Synthetic Zeolites . 1957: Zeolites for ...
UOP P-310 adsorbent is a spherical promoted alumina with high capacity and selectivity for the removal of trace contaminants from olefin-containing gases and liquids.