Change User-Agent to F-string on OpenWRT router to prevent ... - GitHub
UA2F 不会修改包的大小,因此即使自定义了 User-Agent, 运行时实际的 User-Agent 会是一个从 custom ua 中截取的长度与原始 User-Agent 相同的子串,长度不足时会在末尾补空格。 自 …
Understanding Energy Efficiency in Water Heaters
Beginning, June 12, 2017, EF ratings will be replaced with the new industry standard for measuring energy efficiency in water heaters called, Uniform Energy Factor (UEF). The new UEF rating method improves the industry’s ability to: How Will UEF Affect Me? You may notice new numbers associated with the water heaters you’re considering.
What is Uniform Energy Factor and Why Does it Matter?
2024年4月29日 · Uniform Energy Factor, or UEF, is the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) industry standard for measuring water heater efficiency. You may have heard buzz around heat pump water heaters and their record-breaking UEFs, but what does that mean?
Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) For Water Heaters | A. O. Smith
The Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) is the Department of Energy’s latest metric for communicating the energy efficiency of residential water heaters. What is UEF?
Uniform Energy Factor Explained | Water Heater Hub
Uniform Energy Factor, better known as UEF, is a metric developed by the Department of Energy, the United States of India. The metric is designed to let the user see the energy efficiency of water heaters. Each water heater model will have a unique UEF rating, indicating the energy efficiency while heating water.
openwrt官方23.05.x固件安装ua2f及设置ttl、劫持dns-OPENWRT专 …
2024年4月4日 · 本帖最后由 99010 于 2024-11-26 21:03 编辑 与fullcone、hwnat冲突,与fullcone、hwnat冲突,与fullcone、hwnat冲突 以mt7621的openwrt官方23.05.x固件为例(其他架构自行对照)
Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) - State Water Heaters
UEF ratings categorize water heaters into four bins based on different levels of hot water usage and evaluate their performance accordingly. A water heater's UEF within its bin is determined based on its first-hour rating. A higher UEF indicates greater energy efficiency and lower operating costs compared to other water heaters in the same bin.
Water Heaters Get a New Performance Standard
2018年6月29日 · New energy labels for water heaters: The revised Energy Guide labels specifies a first-hour rating and actual storage capacity. What the label won't give you is the water heater's Uniform Energy Factor.
自编译 OpenWrt,以 UA2F 为例 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月21日 · User-Agent 字段是HTTP请求头中的一部分,用于标识发起HTTP请求的用户代理(通常是浏览器、应用程序或机器)。 它包含了有关用户代理的信息,以便服务器能够识别和适应请求的源头。 服务器可以针对不同的设备提供不同的服务(如手机、电脑端两套渲染)、跟踪与分析不同浏览器和设备的使用情况。 那么,应对方法自然就是统一所有设备的 ua 字段,统统 …
GitHub - GiraffeLe/openwrt-with-ua2f: 利用openwrt实现giwifi的 …
路由器性能比较好的朋友不妨看一下 ua3f,实现比较简单,不需要自己编译固件了,并且可以与代理工具共存.只用给路由器刷上openwrt即可. × 并不能破解校园网. 其他功能可在编译固件时根据个人需求添加. 本项目是通过给路由器刷openwrt并安装ua2f插件来达到躲避校园网检测. ua2f会和路由器上的clash等代理工具起冲突,所以如果需要科学上网的话还是只在自己的终端设备 (手机,电脑) …