Radiation: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation - World Health Organization …
2016年3月9日 · The shorter the wavelength, the more harmful the UV radiation. However, shorter wavelength UV radiation is less able to penetrate the skin. The UV region covers the wavelength range 100-400 nm and is divided into three bands: UVA (315-400 nm) UVB (280-315 nm) UVC (100-280 nm). Short-wavelength UVC is the most damaging type of UV radiation.
Ultraviolet radiation - World Health Organization (WHO)
UV exposure may also be involved in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Worldwide, it is estimated that 15 million people are blind due to cataracts; of these, some 10% may be due to exposure to UVR. Vitamin D production. UVR in small amounts is essential to good health as it leads to the production of vitamin D in the body.
Radiation: The ultraviolet (UV) index - World Health Organization …
2022年6月20日 · The UV Index is an important vehicle to raise public awareness of the risks of excessive exposure to UV radiation, and to alert people about the need to adopt protective measures. As part of an international effort, the UV index was developed by WHO, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Meteorological Organization and the ...
Radiation: The known health effects of ultraviolet radiation
2024年7月16日 · UV-A rays have longer wavelengths than UV-B rays, and thus penetrate deeper into the tissue layers of the eye and the skin. UV-A and UV-B rays also differ from each other by how strong their energy is, with UV-A rays having a lower amount of energy. UV-A and UV-B can therefore trigger different biological and health effects. The skin
uv-b可在几天内刺激产生新的黑色素,从而使晒黑效果能够持续相对较长时间。uv-b还刺激细胞产生更厚的表皮。因此,uv-b和uv-a一起导致外层细胞合成、变暗和变厚——这些反应是人体对进一步出现紫外线伤害的防御方式。 uv-b是晒伤的主要原因。
Les effets connus des UV sur la santé - World Health Organization …
En outre, les UV-A dégagent moins d'énergie que les UV-B. Les UV-A et les UV-B peuvent donc avoir des effets différents sur le plan biologique et de la santé. La peau Les UV-A pénètrent profondément dans la peau et peuvent atteindre le derme et l'hypoderme et donc le tissu conjonctif et les vaisseaux sanguins, ce qui entraîne une perte ...
Rayonnement ultraviolet - World Health Organization (WHO)
2022年6月21日 · Le rayonnement ultraviolet (UV) ne peut être ni vu ni ressenti. Alors que certaines personnes sont exposées à des sources artificielles de rayonnement UV (par exemple en médecine, dans l’industrie et à des fins de désinfection et cosmétiques), tout le monde est exposé aux rayons UV solaires.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation - World Health Organization (WHO)
The main factor that predisposes to the development of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, traditionally from the sun and more recently from artificial tanning sunbeds. Both solar radiation and sunbeds are classified as carcinogenic to humans by the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
紫外线辐射 - World Health Organization (WHO)
2022年6月22日 · 概述. 紫外线辐射既看不见,也感觉不到。人人都暴露于太阳紫外线辐射,有些人还暴露于人造紫外线辐射源(例如医疗和工业生产中以及用于消毒和美容的人造紫外线辐射)。
Radiation: Protecting against skin cancer - World Health …
2024年7月16日 · UV damage is mostly avoidable. The rise in the incidence of skin cancers over the past decades is strongly related to occupational and recreational UV exposure. Overexposure to UV radiation is recognized as the underlying cause for harmful effects on the skin, eye, and the immune system.