V-Cap Audiophile component and Guitar Capacitors
Fluoropolymer film capacitors and oil capacitors by V-Cap. Critically acclaimed to be the best audio capacitors for audiophile applications including: interstage and output signal coupling, speaker crossovers, and bypass applications in vacuum tube and solid state electronics
STM32的Vcap的问题及解决---原来经验也害人 - CSDN博客
2018年11月7日 · 嵌入式线性调压器为备份域和待机电路以外的所有数字电路供电。调压器输出电压约为 1.2 v 。 此调压器需要将两个外部电容连接到专用引脚 vcap_1 和 vcap_2,所有封装都配有这两个引脚。为激活或停用调压器,必须将特定引脚连接到 vss或 vdd。具体引脚与封装有关。
Oil Damped Advanced Metalized (ODAM) - V-Cap
V-Cap ODAM Oil Damped Advanced Metalized Audio capacitors. Highly acclaimed capacitors for use in speaker crossovers, signal coupling, output coupling, and bypass applications
V-Cap CuTF, TFTF and OIMP Capacitor Products
V-Cap OIMP (Oil Impgrenated Metalized Polypropylene) capacitors are renowned for virtues previously found only in Paper-in-Oil caps, but with better transparency, and signficiantly better reliability. A cost-effective and space-saving alternative to the CuTF and TFTF series in crossovers and as output couplers, and responds very well to CuTF ...
V-Cap Capacitors | HIFICollective
V-Cap TFTF (Tin Foil Fluoropolymer Film) capacitors are among the most coveted signal caps on the market. Numerous shootouts, reviews, and comments…
V-Cap capacitors - VH Audio
The V-Cap TFTF series Fluoropolymer Film and Tin Foil capacitors are among the most coveted signal caps on the market. Most commonly used for interstage and output signal coupling in tubed electronics, as well as speaker crossovers.
谈谈自己用过的几根同轴线(包括 万隆、v-cap、艺康斯、老叶 …
2023年6月22日 · 特别是在人声上,v-cap追求直白中正的颗粒感,而signature则像是涂了奶油,更往中高频上靠一些,更年轻一些。 其实这跟做器材的和弦调音很相似。 此外,用这根线听女声特别好听,特别是空灵女声,日本女声,气质非常符合。
2024年1月10日 · 今天给耳放重新换上vcap的两芯电源线,我买的是桥本头尾+双线并用的版本。 换下了之前的欧亚德那个红色的电源线(一时间 ...
2022年4月22日 · 跟苏墨风格不同,苏墨追求的是那种平顺和柔美,而v-cap在柔顺的基础上,要增加激情,力量! 相比卡达斯,v-cap的人声也没那么前冲,口型也正好,低频没那么厚重,是在保持不适平衡的前提下,增加力度和量感。
2022年7月2日 · stm32之vcap引脚问题 前段时间在做一个单片机综合课程设计,其内容是实现一个小型数字式测温计。按照我的想法希望用stm32f405rgt6来实现,之所以选择这个是因为想借此机会做一个核心板出来,以备今后使用。对于一个核心板而言,首先要画出其最小系统,进而进行基础 …