[SOI device]How to deal with the backgate pin (VBGP & VBGN) …
2021年10月31日 · Q2: When the 5 th terminal is set as an input, the partial log is as below after running char.tcl, in which VBGP is set to 1.8v and VBGN is set to 0 by default. Could you please help me set other values for backgate pin?
Is it normal for DeCap to get 0 value leakage power when running ...
2021年11月28日 · Our soi DeCap with 5 terminals (VBGP/VBGN is the 5 th terminal) share the same power template with standard cells, however, the leakage for DeCap is 0 value while standard cells get leakage power like 0.22345. Could you please help me find where the problem might be and how could I fix it?
How to route the 5th terminal of soi DeCap in innovus?
2021年11月28日 · Our soi technology cells have the 5th terminal VBGP/VBGN, which means it should be connected for all VBGP and VBGN in innovus. However, the 5th terminal for DeCap would be ignored while routing because DeCap is treated like a FILLER with VDD and GND only.
To deal with the cell pin overlap with the PG mesh.
2023年12月26日 · Hi, I got some questions. How to deal with the backgate pin (VBGP & VBGN) settings of devices with 5 terminals while running liberate? Q1: Is it correct to set the backgate an input pin while using...
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