Official announcements - VKB-SIM
2023年7月19日 · Последнее сообщение Polina VKB-SIM Чт янв 14, 2021 13:28; VKB Cams - Last Week ...
Manuals and Howtos - VKB-SIM
VKB-Link/Z-Link guide: Sending SHIFT state from one VKB device to another. Tuesday John » Пт мар 17 ...
MOZ AB9 FFB Base Compatibility? - VKB-SIM
2024年6月29日 · Hello, I've noticed that MOZA announced their AB9 FFB Base, and they mentioned support for third party sticks
Introducing the VKB-Sim Gladiator and Gladiator Pro Mk.II Series …
2017年1月20日 · VKB-Sim and VKB-Sim North America are proud to announce the second iteration of the Gladiator and Gladiator Pro series of flight control sticks – the Mk.II. Gladiator Mk.II Based on feedback from simulation pilots, significant changes in the trigger and centering designs of the Gladiator Mk.II have been made.
VKB: Creeping Changes Update (STECS) - VKB-SIM
Re: VKB: Creeping Changes Update (STECS) Сообщение AeroGator » Пт ноя 29, 2024 1:10 First, in the countries where dealers have storage (like, EU and AU), it all depends on the dealer.
STECS Standard configuration sheet (interactive PDF form) - VKB …
2024年12月5日 · Hello to all! I am new here I just received my new Gladiator NXT EVO Pro and STECS Standard this week and set down to create configuration sheets for all the buttons and axes.
Тех. поддержка - VKB-SIM
2016年1月16日 · Vkb педали мк21 ( mk xxi ) pro. the_mihalich » Вс сен 01, 2024 0:08 2 ...
Gladiator NXT Red and Blue LED's Flashing - VKB-SIM
2020年9月1日 · The VKBDevCfg-C doesn't detect it, nor does any of the other software available from the download area on the VKB site. Windows 10 configured the controller, all the buttons work, but again, it has flashing LED's (Red/Blue) on the base and it isn't detected by the VKB software. Thanks.
Official VKBdevCfg Controller Guide - VKB-SIM
2018年1月26日 · This comprehensive user guide covers all aspects of the functionality of the VKBdevCfg software. A big shout out to VictorUs for putting this guide together, originally only in Russian, and now in English as well.
Guides - VKB-SIM
A VkB throttle with MSFS 2024 there must be people out there like me who can’t get their throttle to work in the new sim Вернуться к началу Ron61