VP9L vs VP9 Match - HKPRO Forums
2022年9月7日 · Optics are the way of the future so the VP9 looks like my only choice. The VP9L caught my eye and of course after looking around a little the VP9 Match also. My question is …
VP9L vs VP9 Match, help a brother out - HKPRO Forums
2021年8月12日 · Comparing two early production VP9L ORs to an early production VP9 Match only the Match has German proofmark/antlers etc. Most won’t care but deep dive HK purists …
Best red dot for the VP9L - HKPRO Forums
2022年1月10日 · I am looking for some input on the best red dot for the VP9L. I have used red dots on smaller pistols and I want one on the VP9L. The problem is the reviews are all over …
Ported VP9L Build | HKPRO Forums
2025年2月14日 · Aloha all. Just wanted to share my VP9L build. Haven't run it through it's paces, but got several hundred rounds through it. VP9L didn't have a lot of recoil to begin with, but …
Retention holster for VP9L with a light and RMR | HKPRO Forums
2021年12月24日 · I know the simple answer is to simply run a handgun with irons, but I have really grown to appreciate the dot. Also, some of the matches require (or you are much better …
VP9L OR Sight Clarification - HKPRO Forums
2021年4月19日 · Similarly, VP9L-OR’s sold last summer with the tritium sight option- but made before the XS sights were widely available- had the low profile 3-dot tritium sights mounted in …
VP9 Match vs VP9L for USPSA | HKPRO Forums
2024年10月22日 · I am looking into a new pistol for carry optics and I'm trying to decide between the VP9L and the VP9 Match. I will be running a red dot so the length Advantage is really only …
New VP9 Match: Long-Range, Comparative Range Report
2021年6月3日 · The VP9L was 36.5 oz., and the VP9 Match was 35 oz.--less, but less by half as much vs. those listed figures. Second: accuracy from standing position. At 15 yards, with iron …
VP9L options - HKPRO Forums
2021年3月14日 · My VP9L-OR is my favorite range & competition pistol. I hope you enjoy as much as I do mine. PS… please show us pics. Especially of the proof marks or lack of. VP9 …
Vp9l Or slide kit. Does it come ready or not! | HKPRO Forums
2023年11月24日 · - VP9L 2020 slide kit arrives complete & includes: - Slide assembly with rear serrations charging supports and forward serrations / lightening cuts. - O-ring enhanced barrel …