研究人员针对两处经典语言区功能提出新假设 - 生物谷
2023年9月27日 · 该研究聚焦的脑区为左半球的颞顶联合区腹侧(ventral temporoparietal junction,vTPJ)和颞叶前部外侧(lateral anterior temporal lobe,lATL)。 近二十年来,在语言神经科学领域,科学家认为左侧vTPJ和lATL是句子加工所依赖的经典脑区。 在社会神经科学领域,新近研究发现左侧vTPJ和lATL对社会概念(涉及人类及人际互动的概念)敏感。 该研究提出新的假设,尝试基于社会认知成分解释左侧vTPJ和lATL在句子加工中的神经激活。 这一假设认 …
Verbal test of practical judgment (VPJ): a new test of ... - PubMed
We developed the Verbal Test of Practical Judgment (VPJ) as a new test of judgment for older adults intended to identify difficulty performing instrumental activities of daily living (IADL).
A social-semantic working-memory account for two canonical
2023年9月21日 · Language and social cognition are traditionally studied as separate cognitive domains, yet accumulative studies reveal overlapping neural correlates at the left ventral temporoparietal junction...
7. Suppose you haven’t bathed or showered in two weeks. Tell me what possible problems might be the result. 2 1 0 2 = At least two concrete examples or a stated association between hygiene and health.
A Predominantly Visual Subdivision of The Right Temporo-Parietal ...
Using functional MRI, we report that a small region lateralized within the right TPJ responds robustly to certain simple visual stimuli ("vTPJ"). The vTPJ was found in all right hemispheres (n = 7), posterior to the auditory cortex.
Using functional MRI, we report that a small region lateralized within the right TPJ responds robustly to certain simple visual stimuli (“vTPJ ”). The vTPJ was found in all right hemispheres. (n = 7), posterior to the auditory cortex.
2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 Verbal Test of Practical Judgment (VPJ®) Name: _____ DOB: _____ __ Gender: Female / Male
We developed the Verbal Test of Practical Judgment (VPJ) as a new test of judgment for older adults intended to identify difficulty performing instrumental activities of daily...
A Predominantly Visual Subdivision of The Right Temporo …
2014年9月29日 · Using functional MRI, we report that a small region lateralized within the right TPJ responds robustly to certain simple visual stimuli (“vTPJ”). The vTPJ was found in all right hemispheres (n...
Specific Visual Subregions of TPJ Mediate Reorienting of Spatial ...
2017年6月13日 · Here, we investigated whether attention orienting or reorienting modulate activity in visually driven TPJ subregions. For each observer we identified 3 visually responsive subregions within TPJ: 2 bilateral (vTPJ ant and vTPJ post) and 1 right lateralized (vTPJ cent).