W47 - Wikipedia
The W47 is the only US ICBM or SLBM warhead to have been live fired in an atmospheric missile and warhead test, on May 6, 1962. This event took place during shot Frigate Bird which was part of the Dominic test series.
W47 (核彈頭) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
w47是美國唯一有進行過大氣導彈及彈頭試驗的洲際彈道導彈或潛射彈道導彈彈頭,試驗於1962年5月6日進行。 試驗為Frigate Bird,是 多明尼克行動 的一部分。
W47 (核弹头) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
W47 是美国的一款 热核弹头,它用于 UGM-27北极星 潜射弹道导弹 系统上。 其多种型号自1960年开始服役,于1974年末退役。 W47是由劳伦斯放射实验室 (现称 劳伦斯利佛摩国家实验室)于1957-1960年研发。 [1] W47的直径为18英寸 (460 mm),长47英寸 (1,200 mm),Y1型号重720磅 (330 kg),Y2型号重733磅 (332 kg)。 Y1的设计 爆炸当量 为60万吨,Y2当量为Y1的2倍,是为120万吨。 [2] W47是第一个使用新的小型化弹芯的弹头。 [3] 下投时,应用了空气动力 …
W47 (核彈頭) - Wikiwand
w47是美国的一款热核弹头,它用于ugm-27北极星 潜射弹道导弹系统上。其多种型号自1960年开始服役,于1974年末退役。w47是由劳伦斯放射实验室(现称劳伦斯利佛摩国家实验室)于1957-1960年研发。 [1] w47弹头重返大气层载具
Safety Recall W47 – PTU Input Spline Page 2 The PTU on about 67,240 of the above vehicles may have been built to allow relative movement between the differential input splines and the transmission output shaft. This condition may result in the teeth of the input splines wearing off,
W-47 – Imaging Research Center – UMBC
W-47 asserts a new approach to the documentary by examining: What Was – by recovering archival film footage, sound recordings, documents, and photographs. What Is – by documenting the environs, ruins, and artifacts of present-day Wendover.
W47 - GlobalSecurity.org
The The W47 was the first warhead in this new generation of weapons. Although it was only half as large as the bomb that leveled Hiroshima, but it had 80 times the yield.
W47 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The W47 was an American thermonuclear warhead used on the Polaris A-1 sub-launched ballistic missile system. Various models were in service from 1960 through the end of 1974. The warhead was developed by the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory between 1957 and 1960.[1]
CSA W47.1 Fusion Welding of Steel - CWB Group
The Canadian Standards Association sets the criteria for Standard W47.1. Based on the type of work to be undertaken a company may be certified for fusion welding of steel in one of three divisions.
11月29日行业人士“智慧芯片案内人”就给出了上周W47(11.18-11.24)国内的激活量排名,据他讲上一周的变化比较小,主要是苹果与小米的位置互换了一下,其它家都没有变化。 冠军:华为系,整体市场份额18.82%,其中华为占比16.53%,华为智选占比2.29%; 亚军:小米,市场份额17.03%; 季军:vivo,市场份额16.22%,其中vivo占比11.79%,iQOO占比4.43%; 第四:苹果,市场份额15.52%; 第五:荣耀,市场份额14.72; 第六:OPPO系,整体市场份 …