Where Can I Point My Browser To Hear NIST/WWV?
2020年4月29日 · From the west coast of the USA, I like the KFSKiwiSDR for WWV/WWVH on 10 MHz (though it is sometimes at capacity for number of users). There is an unknown time delay …
WWV - Best portable radio to listen? - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年12月16日 · Howdy, Years ago my dad had a portable SW radio that would pickup the WWV time signal in Ft. Collins, CO. I believe we used to get it around 10 MHz here in NY. …
WWV TRF Receivers - RadioReference.com Forums
2020年8月7日 · Due to doppler shift the WWV TRF receiver accuracy is typically +/- 0.2 Hz or better during the middle of the day when the ionosphere is most stable versus at sunrise or …
WWV on 25.00 MHz - RadioReference.com Forums
2014年4月13日 · WWV silenced its 25 MHz signal in 1977, but it’s back on the air “for old times’ sake” — officially on an “experimental basis.” Resurrecting the long-dormant standard time …
WWV - RadioReference.com Forums
2020年11月30日 · The audio portions of the WWV and WWVH broadcasts can also be heard by telephone. The time announcements are normally delayed by less than 30 ms when using …
Female voice on 10MHz time signal | RadioReference.com Forums
2010年3月1日 · With a male voice on WWV and a female voice on WWVH it makes it pretty easy to identify which one (or both, as you found out) are being heard. They also stagger the voice …
Shortwave Listening Guide | RadioReference.com Forums
2008年12月20日 · 9995 to 10005 kHz: This is set aside for standard time and frequency stations, like WWV and WWVH on 10000 kHz. 10005 to 10100 kHz: This range is used for aeronautical …
Yaesu FT-101EE - RadioReference.com Forums
2012年3月20日 · All models also included a “JJY/WWV” position that tuned the 10000 to 10500 range. On all rigs the 11, AUX, and JJY/WWV positions were receive only, no …
SDS100/SDS200: SDS-100 clock question - RadioReference.com …
2023年5月4日 · Absolutely, you would think! What I do is match up both the 100 and 200 with my cell phone, and WWV. They're actually the same. I would guess so. Go figure, I leave my SDS …
Kenwood: How to calibrate & zero beat without signal marker TS …
2016年1月18日 · The Kenwood TS-520 has an internal crystal calibrator that generates markers. As with nearly all receivers, the calibration can be checked against WWV transmissions. The …