People are the key to conservation district success, whether serving as officials on district boards of directors or volunteering in a river cleanup. Local people offer extensive expertise and…
SCAPE 是一个跨学科,跨专业的海外华人医师及医院管理集团,它集合了在北美洲的美籍华裔医生力量,目的是在中国和美国两地促进医学交流,进行医疗行业创业,并为中国的医学教育,住院医师规范化培训,及医疗改革出力。 之前,美国已有各类不同专业或者地区性的华人医生组织, 但SCAPE成为一个在全美范围内跨学科、跨专业、跨地区的医生组织。 SCAPE 成员主要来自于美国各州, 30多个亚专业, 包括:肿瘤科,放射肿瘤,内科, 家庭科,神经内科,神经外科, …
Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts – Representing …
WACD events provide conservation leaders nationwide with the opportunity to network, discover emerging technologies and services, develop education and outreach strategies and influence national conservation policy.
WACD Plant Materials Center
Our 60 acre conservation-grade bareroot nursery, located in Skagit County, WA, produces more than 80 species of quality 1 and 2-year-old conservation grade seedlings and cuttings--over …
The Hub – For WACD members & partners
2025年2月24日 · The Washington Association of Conservation Districts supports conservation districts in their work with government, partner organizations, businesses, private landowners, and working lands managers to: implement best management practices; utilize innovative equipment and materials; provide technical assistance; and develop expertise to address r...
Our Area Associations - WACD
Each Washington State conservation district belongs to an area association. At least once a year, each area association meets to discuss conservation issues and to seek consensus on matters to bring to the annual statewide meeting of WACD. Each area association has its own set of governing documents.
2024 WACD Annual Conference & Business Meeting - The Hub
2023年12月4日 · Here is some information to help make it easier to dive into the 2024 WACD Annual Conference marking WACD’s 82nd year! This year’s conference theme is “Common Sense Conservation.” Conference information will be available both online and in the conference packet you’ll receive when you check in.
WACD - The Hub
2021年1月30日 · WACD supports conservation districts in their work with government, partner organizations, businesses, private landowners and working lands managers to implement best management practices, to utilize innovative equipment and materials, to provide technical assistance, and to develop expertise to address resource issues.
WACD Annual Conference - WACD
The 2025 WACD Annual Meeting & Conference will take place December 1st - 3rd at the Northern Quest Resort and Casino, Spokane, WA. For more information visit: https://wadistricts.us/
About Us - WACD Plant Materials Center
Our 60-acre conservation-grade bareroot nursery, located in Skagit County, WA, produces more than 80 species of quality 1 and 2-year-old conservation grade seedlings and cuttings--over 1.5 million plants annually.