battery charging - How do rechargeable 1.5 V batteries work ...
2022年1月12日 · Until the last years, my knowledge was that the rechargeable analogue of the 1.5 V batteries have only 1.2 V. This greatly decreased their usability (many devices did not …
light - Does turning a lighbulb on and off repeatedly use more …
2013年1月23日 · Leaving it on would use more energy, absolutely. Sometimes, people try to convince themselves that turning a light on and off uses more energy because there is some …
How do I calculate the temperature rise in a copper conductor?
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …
Is there a potentiometer model for LTspice?
2016年4月21日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
Is draining a Li-Ion to 2.5 V harmful to a Li-ion cell?
2017年7月1日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
Is the LED drop voltage difference between colors linked to the ...
2018年9月16日 · I was shooting from the hip there, trying to recall results from way back, but from your results it looks like I was spot on with the yellow/green thing. I did wonder whether to …
negative logic and positive logic gates - Electrical Engineering …
2013年1月5日 · The definition of a state being positive logic or being negative logic is arbitrary and is dependant upon how the inputs are defined.
pcb design - Cleaning PCBs... using water? - Electrical Engineering ...
2014年12月3日 · This is certainly possible, but a few things to keep in mind: Rosin flux residue often isn't water soluble. For cleaning after assembly, water is not generally effective
Why use complex numbers to represent amplitude and phase of AC
2015年10月27日 · Actually the motivation is quite simple. When you have a linear circuit and you stimulate it with only one frequency, wherever you will look you will always find that very same …
"Ground" vs. "Earth" vs. common vs. negative terminal
2014年8月4日 · In other words, "amperes" can be electrons flowing, or protons flowing, or positive sodium passing through negative chloride going the other way. Or, fast electrons going one …