Rockwell X-30 - Wikipedia
The Rockwell X-30 was an advanced technology demonstrator project for the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP), part of a United States project to create a single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) spacecraft and passenger spaceliner. [1]
Rockwell X-30 - NASA
2016年2月12日 · Although a full-scale aircraft was never built because Congress ended funding in 1994, the program had expected such a vehicle to fly at Mach 25. The program developed significant advances in high-temperature, carbon-carbon materials, lightweight titanium and beryllium alloys, and high strength, corrosion-resistant titanium-alloy composites.
X-30是由 美国国防部 和国家航空航天局共同组织研制的可复用空天 飞机 研究机,其目的是弥补地面试验设备在研究马赫数大于8以上飞行现象的不足,开发验证用于高超音速飞行的基础技术,以便制造在技术、成本及应用上更为先进的航天运输系统和军、民用飞机。 它是美国“国家 空天飞机计划 ”(NASP)的一个组成部分。 由于这项雄心勃勃的计划投资巨大、技术复杂、许多难题不易解决,工作进度也一拖再拖,1993年以后,X-30项目不得不停止发展。 [1] 上世纪60年代经过 …
X-30 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
American SSTO winged orbital launch vehicle. Air-breathing scramjet single stage to orbit. Second attempt after study of similar proposal in early 1960's. Cancelled due to cost, technical challenges. Superseded by X-33 rocket-powered SSTO. AKA: Copper Canyon Phase 2;HySTP;NASP (National Aerospace Plane);National Aerospace Plane;Orient Express.
美国X系列验证机介绍(X-Planes) - 知乎专栏
目的: 无人作战飞机(UCAV), 单位: 波音(Boeing), 首飞: 2002 (X-45共有a、b、c三种。X-45b是X-45a的放大版、但没继续开发,x-45c外形又被用于X-46跟X-47竞争) X-45b是X-45a的放大版、但没继续开发,x-45c外形又被用于X-46跟X-47竞争)
Whatever Happened to NASA's X-30? - Design News
2016年8月8日 · The X-30, better known as the National Aerospace Plane, was the ultimate example of NASA daring -- a project so big and so far-reaching that even some of the brightest and most optimistic engineers were intimidated by it.
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School lessons are designed to give students a well-rounded education. They introduce fundamental concepts and help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Lessons also teach discipline, time management, and the …
airplane is the expansion surface for the propulsion. The X-30 is very ambitious; it follows a path that is pretty well established by such programs as the X-15. Not only should the X-30 share some of the sky with the X-15, which is going to be I'd say about 68 to 69,000 ft,
装备|空天飞机X-30 - 搜狐
2017年6月27日 · x-30项目由nasa和darpa联合参与研制。麦克唐纳·道格拉斯、洛克维尔国际和通用动力三家公司竞标研发极超音速单段式入轨空天飞机相关技术,洛克希德·马丁以及 普拉特·惠特尼公司则竞标研发x-30的动力部分。可见x-30项目起初是相当受关注。 1990年,多家公司由 ...
2025 Mazda CX-30 – Crossover SUV | Mazda USA
Mazda CX-30 2.5 S models feature a SKYACTIV ®-G 2.5 DOHC engine that offers up to 191 hp and 186 lb-ft torque, while Mazda CX-30 2.5 Turbo models add a Dynamic Pressure Turbocharger that boosts output up to 250 hp and 320 lb-ft of torque when using premium fuel.