Lockheed Martin X-59 Quesst - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-59 Quesst ("Quiet SuperSonic Technology"), sometimes styled QueSST, is an American experimental supersonic aircraft under development by Skunk Works for NASA's Low-Boom Flight Demonstrator project. [2] Preliminary design started in February 2016, with the X-59 planned to begin flight testing in 2021.
X-59 | Lockheed Martin
Unlock the future of supersonic travel with the X-59, a revolutionary plane designed to help NASA reduce sonic booms. Learn more from Lockheed Martin.
迟到4年终亮相,被NASA寄予厚望的X-59如何克服超声速飞行的现 …
2024年2月9日 · x-59呈锥体状的超长机头,长度达到11.5米,占整个验证机长度的三分之一。 据NASA的信息,这种特殊设计的机头可以消散超声速飞行产生的激波,这些激波是产生声爆的主要原因。
Quesst - NASA
2025年3月3日 · NASA and Lockheed Martin publicly unveil the X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft at a ceremony in Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California. The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s Quesst mission, which seeks to solve one of the major barriers to supersonic flight over land, currently banned in the United States, by ...
NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft
2024年1月12日 · NASA and Lockheed Martin formally debuted the agency’s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft Friday. Using this one-of-a-kind experimental airplane, NASA aims to gather data that could revolutionize air travel, paving the way for a new generation of commercial aircraft that can travel faster than the speed of sound.
NASA展示X-59超音速飞机 声爆噪声不大于汽车关门 - 知乎
X-59是NASA和洛克希德-马丁公司自2016年开始合作研发的 静音超音速技术 (Quiet SuperSonic Technology, Quesst )项目的成果。该项目的目标是探索如何在不影响地面居民的情况下,实现超音速飞行。
超音速飞机的未来:美国宇航局测试X-59 - 知乎
美国宇航局的X-59这款飞机采用静音超音速技术,或称QueSST,这种实验性飞机,使该机构越来越接近于使陆地上的静音商业超音速旅行成为现实。 该航天局正在开发新的设计和所需的技术,以限制超音速轰鸣产生的噪音,使超音速飞机在飞越人口密集地区时能够 ...
X-59: The Supersonic Plane of the Future - Lockheed Martin
2024年3月5日 · Designed to help the U.S. and allies leverage emerging technologies to create a resilient multi-domain network. The Lockheed Martin Skunk Works® team is addressing a longstanding challenge in supersonic flight – the sonic boom – through a collaborative effort with NASA's Quesst Mission.
Quesst - NASA
What is the X-59? NASA's X-59 will fly faster than the speed of sound...quietly. The X-59 will feature innovative technology to reduce loud sonic booms to a quiet thump.
X-59飞机 - 百度百科
X-59飞机(X-59 silent supersonic aircraft)是洛克希德马丁公司研发的飞机。 NASA官网2019年10月10日的报道称,X-59飞机已在洛克希德马丁公司的臭鼬工厂初步成型并完成了首次试飞,这架飞机使用了臭鼬工厂的最新技术。 在过去77年间,臭鼬工厂设计并制造了美国历史上许多最先进的飞行器。 [1] X-59飞机2020年有望开展更多飞行测试。 X-59飞机(X-59 silent supersonic aircraft)是洛克希德马丁公司研发的飞机。