Rockwell-MBB X-31 - Wikipedia
The Rockwell-Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm X-31 is an experimental jet aircraft designed to test fighter thrust vectoring technology.
X-31验证机是 美国 与德国两国之间的合作项目,是由 美国国防高级研究计划局 (DARPA),美国海军和德国国防部共同投资开展的一个国际性的先进战斗机技术发展计划。 X-31项目首先计划进行的是增强机动性战斗机的技术基础验证,主要通过对机体结构设计和 推力矢量技术 的应用,来研究战斗机大迎角范围和大迎角范围内的战术机动性, 确保新一代战斗机可以具备过失速机动飞行和控制能力。 [1] X-31计划的基础条件首先是由德国MBB公司在上世纪70年代提出的。 德 …
1995年2月1日 · The X-31 experimental aircraft was designed and built by Rockwell and Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB), as part of a joint U.S. and German Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability program to improve pilots’ abilities to control the aircraft’s pitch and yaw with more finesse than was possible in most conventional fighters.
X-31 Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability Demonstrator - NASA
2014年2月28日 · Two X-31 Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability demonstrators were test-flown during the early 1990s at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, to obtain data on control in the post-stall flight regime.
【ThinkPad X31】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_ThinkPad X31系列 …
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NASA X31 | The Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability Demonstrator …
2020年9月7日 · Part of the NASA technology demonstrators, X-31 was designed to test thrust vectoring technology by using a delta wing, canards, and vectored thrust from the engine. Designed and built by...
【ThinkPad X31参数】ThinkPad X31系列笔记本电脑参数-ZOL中 …
IBM ThinkPad X31 2672PGC: IBM ThinkPad X31 2672 39C: IBM ThinkPad X31 2672-BCC(迅驰) IBM ThinkPad X31 2672-CSC(迅驰) IBM ThinkPad X31 2672-JVC(迅驰) IBM ThinkPad X31 2672B3C: IBM ThinkPad X31 2672G3C: IBM ThinkPad X31 2672GCC: IBM ThinkPad X31 2672PBC: IBM ThinkPad X31 2672-BC0: IBM ThinkPad X31 2673-C2C: IBM ThinkPad X31 2672BC0: IBM ...
X-31: Breaking the Chain: Lessons Learned | APPEL Knowledge …
By any measure, the X-31 was a highly successful flight research program at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, now the Armstrong Flight Research Center. It regularly flew several flights a day, accumulating over 550 flights during the course of …
SK hynix Beetle X31 1TB Portable SSD with DRAM, up to …
Instantly connect the Beetle X31 to your laptop, tablet, PS5, desktop, phone, or almost any other USB-C device you need. The Beetle X31’s solid aluminum shell and silicone case protects your data from drops up to 2 meters, as well as from dirt and dust.
Flying Beyond the Stall - NASA
2015年1月15日 · Publication cover for u0022Flying Beyond the Stall: The X-31 and the Advent of Supermaneuverabilityu0022 by Douglas A. Joyce. The X-31 was unique in the world of experimental or X-airplanes. It was the only X-plane that was designed, manufactured, and flight tested as an international effort; a joint effort of the United States and Germany.