Logitech HOTAS x56 - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2024年11月23日 · Hello, My stick and thruster don’t work/respond in-game (MS2024). I have the software installed; in the software config I can push the stick up/down/left/right and it responds. …
Anyone Using Logitech/Saitek X56 H.O.T.A.S. with MSFS
2022年10月8日 · The problems I am having are with my throttle axis, both of them are all of a sudden doing weird things. The left one works OK up to the 50% mark then jumps all the way …
Considering Logitech X56 - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2023年7月17日 · Yes, MSFS comes with built in profiles for the X56 both throttle and flight stick so you can make any modifications from there (it even has profile variants for the helicopters). …
Logitech / Saitek X56 key mapping recommendations?
2020年9月23日 · I began with the default assignments for the X56 that came with FS2020 and made modifications as needed. Most assignments were based on functionality and ease of …
Calibration off with Logitech G X56 for Camera + no mouse view …
2024年11月25日 · msfs-2024 Hello fellow Flight Sim Players, I have an Issue with my X56 that I hope someone can point me in the right direction: When I play MSFS2024 I have some Issues …
Cockpit camera drift - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2024年11月20日 · X56 here also, adjusting the deadzone made no difference. I tweaked the sensitivity in FS2024 Hardware and my only achievement was getting the camera to drift up …
X56 H.O.T.A.S. thrust lever moves by itself - Hardware
2021年4月25日 · Hey there. I have a problem with my thrust lever: If i let loose the thrust lever in the upper section (about 85-90%) it will begin moving slowly by itself up to 100%. It takes …
X56 HOTAS does not work for Xbox? - Hardware & Peripherals
2021年7月28日 · I just can’t help but think that the X56 looks and would be awesome compared to even some of the new HOTAS products that are yet to be released for Xbox especially with …
[SOLVED] HOTAS X56 throttle causes "ghost inputs"
2020年8月23日 · Your HOTAS X56 randomly changes view, extract flaps, goes to full throttle etc. ? You must connected them into one USB hub, and it causes lack of electric power and “ghost …
[Solved] X56 input suddenly activates reverse thrust causing …
2025年1月6日 · hey guys , i too have great ghosting issues on my Hotas X56 setup specially with the throttle. so when ever i start my flight in msfs with in 5 sec the throttle and pitch goes crazy …