XMOS - Bringing technology to life
XMOS is a semiconductor company at the leading edge of the IoT. Our xcore® platform enables the most integrated and differentiated solutions purely in software.
首页 | XMOS
xmos 是一家面向物联网应用和边缘计算的半导体公司。 我们的 xcore ® 平台覆盖消费、工业和汽车等主要的应用领域。 提供更高地灵活性、更好地易用性,帮助客户产品更快速上市。
xcore®.ai 用于数字信号处理 | XMOS
USB 和多声道音频 | XMOS
“自 2011 年我们首次使用 DAC Magic Plus 的 USB 音频以来,XMOS 使我们能够提供针对专业音频市场量身定制的 USB 解决方案,提供可与我们自己的高品质产品相匹配的高端性能。支持一直很好,功能扩展的能力使我们能够将芯片组集成到许多不同的产品中。
USB & Multichannel Audio - XMOS
“XMOS devices are at the heart of USB audio products from respected brands such as Arcam, Meridian, Sony and Sennheiser, all of which use asynchronous operation.”
Advancing the capabilities of xcore - XMOS
In 2008, XMOS shipped its first multi-core chip: the XS1. This processor reinvented real-time I/O, enabling low-latency interactions between software and I/O interfaces. Working in software, designers were able to act on hardware signals with latencies lower than a microsecond.
USB Audio Driver Support - XMOS
The XMOS USB Audio firmware supports both USB Audio Class 1.0 and USB Audio Class 2.0. Most modern operating systems now support this functionality natively, in some use cases an additional drivers may be required.
USB Audio Software | XMOS
VERSION RELEASED COMMENTS DOWNLOAD; 9.0.0: 2024-12-13: Updated to add XCommon CMake build system (see XTC15.3 tools), updated lib_mic_array, separate board_support library, improved DFU and automatic install of WinUSB driver on Windows hosts.
XU316ProductSeriesDatasheet 2 XU316-1024Features • MulticoreMicrocontrollerwithAdvancedMulti-CoreRISCArchitecture • 16real-timelogicalcoreson2xCOREtiles
XMOS at CES 2025
2024年11月22日 · XMOS expands its leading voice conferencing device family, adding super wideband, enterprise-grade voice quality with a scalable design that allows manufacturers to cost-effectively address multiple market segments.