REP for Carenado PC-12 XP11 by SimCoders - X-Plane Reviews
2019年7月27日 · Simcoders have changed their focus back now to Carenado aircraft for their next REP or Reality Expansion Pack, this is the Pilatus PC-12 in it's XP11 guise... and a very nice choice it is. Powered by the powerful single Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 turboprop engine (the PT6A-67B, 1200 shp), and the PC12 is certified for single-pilot IFR ...
Aircraft Upgrade : Beechcraft 1900D HD XP11 by Carenado
2017年7月4日 · Aircraft Upgrade : Beechcraft 1900D HD XP11 by Carenado In my monthly "Behind The Screen" post back in August 2016 I noted my overall "best of" ten aircraft. Listed at number six was the Carenado B1900D regional 19 passenger airliner. It is not hard to not really like the B1900D, it has everythin...
Aircraft Review : C340 ll HD Series XP11 by Carenado
2018年8月25日 · The C340 ll HD Series XP11 by Carenado is a new release for X-Plane11 and is available here at the X-Plane.OrgStore C340 ll HD Series XP11 Price is US$32.95 This aircraft is noted as a new aircraft for X-Plane11, and not an upgrade from the X-Plane10 C340 ll version, so a full cost for ownership is required.
Aircraft Review : Beechcraft Bonanza F33A XP11 by Carenado
2018年5月21日 · Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza F33A XP11 Over the years since it's original release Carenado have kept the aircraft up to date with constant updates, and that was even into X-Plane11, but that was mostly just to conform to X-Plane11's basic performance changes and for the introduction of PBR (Physical Based Rendering), and overall the bonanza flew ...
Aircraft Review : 390 Premier 1A XP11 by Carenado
2019年5月1日 · Download for the Premier 1A XP11 is 473.60 Mb and the unzipped file is deposited in the aircraft "Regional Aircraft" X-Plane folder at 656.40 mb. Download the LIbrain rain effect plugin (add into the aircraft's plugin folder) Documentation: Huge amount of documentation, with ProLine21 introduction, Laminar FMS manual, Performance and reference ...
Aircraft Review : C177 Cardinal ll XP11 by Alabeo
2018年9月19日 · The C177 Cardinal ll XP11 by Alabeo is a new release for X-Plane11 and is available here at the X-Plane.OrgStore C177 Cardinal ll XP11 Price is US$29.95 This aircraft is noted as a new aircraft for X-Plane11, and not an upgrade from the X-Plane10 C340 ll version, so a full cost for ownership is required.
Scenery Upgrade to XP11 : LOWS-Salzburg XP11 by JustSim
2017年8月2日 · LOWS W. A. Mozart - Salzburg Airport XP11 by Digital Design (JustSim) is NOW available from the X-Plane.Org Store here : LOWS- Salzburg Airport W. A. Mozart XP11 Price is US$19.50. Note: P revious owners of LOWS Salzburg can buy this new XP11 version for only $5: Check your original LOWS invoice at the store. the discount code will be listed there
Helicopter Review : Bell 407 XP11 by Dreamfoil Creations
2017年4月29日 · Yes! the Bell 407 XP11 by Dreamfoil Creations is now available from the new X-Plane.Org Store here : Bell 407 XP11 Price is US$35.00 US$35.00, but previous X-Plane10 owners can upgrade to this new XP11 version for only $15. The coupon code for the discount can be found in the original Bell 407 invoice on your account at the X-Plane.Orgstore.
Aircraft Review : Pilatus PC-12 HD Series XP11 by Carenado
2018年2月11日 · Aircraft Review : Pilatus PC12 HD Series XP11 by Carenado I don't think flightsim users really understood what a ground breaking aircraft the Pilatus PC-12 from Carenado was when it was released for X-Plane back in April 2015. I did and reinforced that the aircraft was a big step forward in the d...
PA-28-181 Archer TX/LX XP11 by JustFlight-Thranda - X-Plane …
2020年1月9日 · Aircraft Review : PA-28-181 Archer TX/LX XP11 by JustFlight-Thranda I know, I know... who wants another PA-28 from JustFlight, I mean just how many Archers (slash) Arrows can you have before it all gets way, way too much and not to mention that shrinking bank balance... but yes here is another one, and this Archer is the TX/LX version.