不老旗舰:OLYMPUS 奥林巴斯 XZ-1 数码相机 - 什么值得买
2018年5月26日 · 这么多年用下来,奥林巴斯的这款xz-1无愧于旗舰称号。 虽然不是全方位制霸,但是在卡片机里,性能、体积、画质都是没什么好挑剔的。 优点: 1.8大光圈。
Olympus XZ-1 Review: Digital Photography Review
2011年1月26日 · Pre-CES 2011: Olympus has officially announced the much-leaked XZ-1 enthusiasts' compacts. The basic specs are impressive: 28-122mm equivalent lens with a F1.8-2.5 maximum aperture range making it the brightest in its class. It also features dual control dials and a 3.0" VGA-equivalent OLED screen.
重新定義高階隨身機!OLYMPUS XZ-1 評測報告 - Mobile01
2011年2月10日 · XZ-1除了主打ZUIKO鏡頭之外,最大光圈F/1.8更是優於同級機種的強勢規格之一,搭載四倍光學變焦讓等效焦長可來到28mm~112mm,鏡頭結構為8群11枚,兼具基本廣角與小望遠,更讓人流口水的地方就是當焦段為最望遠端112mm時,最大光圈還可以維持在F/2.5,營造 …
Olympus XZ-1 - Wikipedia
The Olympus XZ-1 is a high-end 10.0 megapixel compact digital camera announced and released in January 2011. Its key features are a fast f/1.8-2.5 i.Zuiko Digital lens, a built in imager shift image stabilizer and Olympus' 6 Art Filters that are also present in the E-PEN series.
奥林巴斯 XZ-1 - 百度百科
奥林巴斯XZ-1采用了一块1/1.63英寸高感度CCD,约1000万像素,并且搭载i.ZUIKO DIGITAL 4倍光学变焦,28mm广角镜头(焦段为28mm-122mm),拥有F1.8-2.5大光圈,因此在画质上会有更加出色的表现。
【奥林巴斯XZ-1】报价_参数_图片_论坛_OLYMPUS XZ-1奥林巴斯 …
F1.8大光圈卡片相机 奥林巴斯XZ-1评测_消费类DC_太平洋电脑 …
2011年3月3日 · 奥林巴斯XZ-1采用的是与同类产品尺寸类似的1/1.63英寸CMOS传感器,画质上无疑比热门的 卡片相机 要好,加上F1.8的大光圈,24mm广角和讨巧的外形设计。 与同类产品相比较,依然是性能超群的,定义为为单反备机的奥林巴斯XZ-1的实力可以达到怎样的水平,下面我们一一揭晓。 奥林巴斯XZ-1的外观设计与 松下LX5 非常类似,甚至有点和松下的最新单电相机GF2有点相像,但体积要小很多,110.6×64.8×42.3mm的三围尺寸相比松下LX5 …
Olympus XZ-1 Review - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews
2011年4月18日 · Olympus is quick to point out that the XZ-1 is the first pocket camera to have a Zuiko-branded optic built in. Officially dubbed Olympus i.Zuiko Digital, the new lens ranges from 6-24mm, or...
Olympus XZ-1 Overview - Digital Photography Review
2011年1月6日 · The XZ-1 is Olympus' entry to the newly revitalized enthusiast camera sector. It features a 10MP sensor that is 60% larger than most compact cameras to offer improved low-light performance. This capability is boosted by the brightest lens on any current compact - a 28-112mm equivalent with a maximum aperture range of F1.8-2.5.
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Olympus XZ-1 Review: Digital Photography Review
2011年1月26日 · The XZ-1 is an undeniably attractive camera; in both its stealth matte black or glossy white finishes, it cuts a pretty classy figure. The design is understated with little in the way of flourish or adornment but there's still a reasonable level of external control thanks, in no small part, to the control dial around the lens.