2018年9月7日 · XCTC is the ARNG’s program of record that enables Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) to achieve trained Platoon readiness in preparation for a Maneuver Combat Training …
XCTC 24-05 - DVIDS
The eXportable Combat Training Capability (XCTC) is the Army National Guard (ARNG)<br /> capstone training event for Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) to attain T-Level 3 (T3)<br />...
XCTC Exercise to train thousands at Fort McCoy during June
2017年6月5日 · XCTC is the Army National Guard's program to provide participants with an experience similar to an Army combat training center at home station or a regional training …
Georgia Army National Guard Conducts Urban Training at XCTC
2022年6月21日 · The U.S. Army National Guard's XCTC program enables brigade combat teams to achieve the platoon readiness to deploy, fight and win battles worldwide. Training in urban …
DVIDS - News - XCTC Training
2022年6月22日 · Exportable Combat Training Capabilities (XCTC) is the U.S. Army National Guard’s program of record that enables brigade combat teams to achieve the trained...
US Army National Guard | Ravenswood Solutions
Ravenswood assisted the ARNG with not only establishing the eXportable Combat Training Capability (XCTC) Program during its inception in 2008, but have continued to partner with the …
The Ready Brigade hosts 30th ABCT for XCTC
2023年6月30日 · An XCTC exercise is a realistic training program designed to enhance Soldiers abilities by providing scenarios that simulate combat situations.
Iowa Soldiers return to Camp Ripley for XCTC rotation
2024年7月27日 · XCTC is the Army National Guard's capstone training event that supports and enables ARNG brigade combat teams to conduct integrated force-on-force training in …
81st SBCT begins preparation for summer 2025 XCTC rotation
2024年9月27日 · The 81st Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT), Washington Army National Guard is scheduled to participate in an Exportable Combat Training Capabilities (XCTC) …
116th IBCT conducting eXportable Combat Training Capability …
2019年7月14日 · XCTC brings full training resource packages to Fort Pickett, reducing the need to spend time and money traveling to a distant training location. Training lanes are customized …