Xill - Forgotten Realms Wiki
The xill were a vaguely reptilian people native to the Ethereal plane. They divided themselves into two societies: the barbaric Lower Clans and the civilized High Clans.[4] Xill were vaguely reptilian creatures with flame-red, leathery skin and solid black eyes. They had roughly humanoid bodies...
Xill - Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
The xill is a gruesome four-armed creature, feared for its ability to materialize suddenly from the Ethereal Plane to ambush travelers. They use a paralyzing venom to capture victims alive, carrying them off to their ethereal homes for some dreadful purpose.
Xill - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition …
Double Slash [one-action] The xill makes two scimitar Strikes against a single target. If both hit, combine their damage for the purpose of the target's resistances and weaknesses. The xill applies its multiple attack penalty to each strike normally.
Xill - d20PFSRD
As a standard action, a xill can lay 2d6 eggs in a helpless creature. A xill’s eggs hatch in 24 hours, at which point the young consume the host from within, inflicting 1 point of Con damage per hour per young until the host dies.
Xill - d20srd.org
A xill stands 4 to 5 feet tall and weighs about 100 pounds. Xills speak Infernal. Combat. Xills are dangerous opponents, attacking with all four limbs. More civilized ones use weapons, usually fighting with two at a time so as to leave two claws free for grab attacks.
Xill - PathfinderWiki
A xill is a four-armed humanoid with spiny, bright red skin. Xills resemble a mix between human, reptile, and insect, possessing fanged mandibles and a scaled hide. 1. Ecology. All xills are female, and they fertilize their own eggs, but they require a host body to incubate their eggs before they hatch.
The vaguely reptilian xill are natives of the Ethereal Plane. Four-armed, leathery-skinned humanoids brilliantly colored red by some strange twist of fate, these beings are feared on all planes that border the Ethereal (in other words, the Prime and the Inner Planes).
Lockpick Simulator - @Xill - SIMMER.io
Lockpick simulation game. Controls are picker used with WASD and QE. Grab the Tension meter and keep sliding rigth slowly until one of the pins glow yellow and go for that pin. If any pin is red you gone too far with the tension bar and that pin is stuck, so you should lower the tension so that pin is unstuck again. Green pins are set, make all pins green and push the tension bar to the …
Xill – 5th Edition SRD
Xill Leader: creature: Frog God Games: City of Brass: Discord! Join Our Discord! Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store! Dungeons & Dragons - Vecna: Eve of Ruin (Hardcover) Dungeons & Dragons - Players Handbook 2014 (JP) - プレイヤーズ•ハンドブック ...
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