小鹏汽车是一家专注未来出行的科技公司,致力于探索科技,引领未来出行变革。 小鹏汽车旗下有小鹏P7+、小鹏MONA M03、小鹏X9、2025款小鹏G6、小鹏全新P7i超智能轿跑、2025款小 …
XPENG - Smart Electric Vehicles, SUVs & MPVs
XPENG's electric vehicles designed for performance, safety, and sustainability. Explore our range of smart EVs, advanced technology, and commitment to a greener future.
Future Mobility by XPENG - Advanced Electric Vehicles
Future mobility is redefined by XPENG with its advanced electric vehicles, featuring cutting-edge technologies like XPILOT driver assistance and Xmart OS.
小鹏X9 超智驾大七座 | 小鹏汽车官网 - Xiaopeng
小鹏X9是一款”好灵活、强智能、大空间、多场景”的纯电智能大七座车型,标配后轮转向+双腔空悬的MPV。 小鹏X9拥有第三排电动靠背及头枕调节+电动魔术收纳功能,同时作为扶摇架构旗 …
XPeng - Wikipedia
Guangzhou Xiaopeng Motors Technology Co., Ltd., trading as XPeng Motors (Chinese: 小鹏汽车; pinyin: Xiǎopéng Qìchē), commonly known as XPeng, is a Chinese electric vehicle …
XPENG P7 - Sleek Electric Sedan with Advanced Technology
Take control of your in-car experience and your XPENG's external functions while keeping your attention on the road ahead. With "Hey XPENG", you can get an accurate update on your …
XPENG Hong Kong - Explorer of Future Mobility
Discover our newest models, customize your smart EVs and drive today the car of tomorrow. Welcome to the official website of XPENG Hong Kong!
Xipeng Qiu(邱锡鹏) - Google Scholar
Other names Xipeng Qiu, QIU XI-PENG, Xi-Peng Qiu. Professor of Computer Science, Fudan University. Verified email at fudan.edu.cn - Homepage. LLM NLP ML DL AI. Articles Cited by …
小鵬首間香港陳列室開幕!SUV G6 首度登場 HK $289,900 起
2024年7月19日 · 車主亦可以終生免費使用XPENG App,透過Over-the-air(OTA)隨時隨地為車輛進行更新,無須特意到服務中心完成,省時快捷。 小鵬汽車旗下兩大車款:純電智能標 …
XPENG X9 超智能七座 MPV 打破傳統面貌 - Car1.hk
2024年1月15日 · 由全球最大的量產壓鑄機械——擁有12,000噸鎖模力的XPENG X9鍛造而成,該車型採用行業首創的前後一體式鋁合金壓鑄車身結構,具有驚人的扭轉剛度,達到46,000牛· …