GitHub - xoidlabs/xoid: Framework-agnostic state management …
2023年10月10日 · xoid (zoid is easier to say multiple times) is a robust library based on explicit subscriptions, immutable updates, and a first-class TypeScript support. This makes it ideal for teams. If you prefer implicit subscriptions and mutable updates similar to MobX or Vue 3, you can use @xoid/reactive, a tiny proxy-state layer over xoid.
Xoid - YouTube
xoid · Framework-agnostic state management for JavaScript
xoid makes it easier to refactor between scopes, frameworks, and different degrees of reusability. It's easy-to-learn, has no external dependencies, and it's only 1.1kB minified and gzipped. It's …
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xoid - npm
xoid is a framework-agnostic state management library. X (though it's read as Z) in its name signifies the inspiration it draws from great projects such as Redu X, Mob X and X state. It was designed to be simple and scalable. It has extensive Typescript support. xoid is lightweight (~1kB gzipped), but quite powerful.
xoid - npm
With xoid, you can move business logic out of components in a truly framework-agnostic manner. xoid (zoid is easier to say multiple times) is a robust library based on explicit subscriptions, immutable updates, and a first-class TypeScript support.
xoidlabs · GitHub
2023年10月10日 · A framework-agnostic, headless library to create React and Vue components via the same API. Loading… Framework-agnostic tools for JavaScript. xoidlabs has 6 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Getting Started · xoid
2024年4月26日 · xoid is a scalable state management library with a small API surface. While learning it takes ~5 minutes, you can still manage great complexity with it. The xoid package lives in npm. To install, you can run one of the the following commands: If you're using xoid with one of these frameworks, simply install one of the following packages:
I am a software and infrastructure engineer with eight years of experience designing software solutions for several domains, including artificial intelligence, military intelligence, electronic warfare, and network infrastructure. Please use this site to learn more about me by exploring some of my projects, looking at my CV, and reading my blog.
Streams · xoid
2024年4月26日 · Our definition of a stream is the following: A stream is an atom that may not have an immediate value. xoid have a separate Stream type along with the Atom. Streams differ from atoms not only by types, but also in terms of the runtime behaviour. There are two ways to produce a stream in xoid: Using the .map method with true as the second argument