Stellaris 3.3 Libra Updated Mods List - Paradox Interactive Forums
2022年2月23日 · Hello everyone! As is custom when Stellaris updates, I've started a forum thread to track mods that have been updated to be compatible with 3.3. We didn't do early access for this release, since the Open Beta was available until launch, and it...
Mod Highlights #2 - More nasty slimy ugly aliens to fear
2023年7月6日 · The mod adds everything a new species pack can offer - origins, civics, traits, perks, and more. It adds a new playable species of energy beings called "Electroids".
Stellaris - Queued Districts Ignore Their Build Limits
2021年5月3日 · xvcv Stellaris Modder. 55 Badges. Sep 13, 2015 12 6. May 3, 2021; Add bookmark #1 Description Queued ...
Stellaris - The 'change_dominant_species' Effect causes a critical bug
2021年4月20日 · xvcv Stellaris Modder. 55 Badges. Sep 13, 2015 12 6. Apr 20, 2021; Add bookmark #1 Description The 'change ...
Mod Highlight #6 - The Friends We Made Along The Way
2024年7月18日 · When XVCV announced that he would stop modding, I decided that his amazing mods (Precursor Story Pack and Archaeology Story Pack) should not be abandoned. I added later some old mods that I enjoyed, with the permission of their authors Marky612 (Strange Worlds, resurrected from the Stellaris 1.6 era) and QUENTOPOLIS' Fires of Ziaskehorn.
[TOOL] Modded Technology Tree Generator by ShadowTrolll …
2021年8月5日 · Greetings fellow economy builders and world dominators! I got tired of not knowing what exact researches were needed for other ones when playing multiplier with my friends, so today, I made a tool that generates tech relations and tech trees...
3.1.1 Updated Mods List | Paradox Interactive Forums
2021年9月14日 · xvcv Stellaris Modder. 55 Badges. Sep 13, 2015 12 6. Sep 14, 2021; Add bookmark #3 @MrFreake_PDX Oh, mate ...
Ascension paths versus Synthetic Age/Machine Worlds
2021年5月2日 · Playing as any empire other than Machine Intelligence, you can follow an ascension path, which is two APs to transform your empire in some way (primarily pops, except psi ascension is a bit more scattered in its effects). Hives only get access...
Stellaris Mod Jam 2020 | Paradox Interactive Forums
2020年11月23日 · Hello Stellaris Fans! Paradox Interactive and NVIDIA are proud to announce the Stellaris Mod Jam 2020! Three weeks ago we began recruiting Modders for Mod...
Stellaris Mod Jam 2020 | Page 3 | Paradox Interactive Forums
2021年3月25日 · Hello Stellaris Fans! Paradox Interactive and NVIDIA are proud to announce the Stellaris Mod Jam 2020! Three weeks ago we began recruiting Modders for Mod Jam 2020. They had no idea what kind of modding challenge they signed up for, only that...