The Official YAML Web Site
%YAML 1.2---YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language™ What It Is: YAML is a human-friendly data serialization language for all programming languages.
YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) revision 1.2.2
YAML is both a text format and a method for presenting any native data structure in this format. Therefore, this specification defines two concepts: a class of data objects called YAML representations and a syntax for presenting YAML representations as a series of characters, called a YAML stream.
Specification Index - YAML
2004年1月29日 · YAML ™ (rhymes with “ camel ”) is a human-friendly, cross language, Unicode based data serialization language designed around the common native data structures of agile programming languages. It is broadly useful for programming needs ranging from configuration files to Internet messaging to object persistence to data auditing.
YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) Version 1.1
YAML integrates and builds upon concepts described by C, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, RFC0822 (MAIL), RFC1866 (HTML), RFC2045 (MIME), RFC2396 (URI), XML, SAX and SOAP. The syntax of YAML was motivated by Internet Mail (RFC0822) and …
YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML (tm) is an international collaboration to make a data serialization language which is both human readable and computationally powerful. The founding members of YAML are Ingy döt Net (author of the Perl module Data::Denter ), Clark Evans , and Oren Ben-Kiki .
Merge Key Language-Independent Type for YAML™ Version 1.1
2005年1月18日 · tag:yaml.org,2002:merge. Shorthand: !!merge. Kind: Scalar. Canonical: N/A (single format). Regexp: << Definition: Specify one or more mappings to be merged with the current one.
YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) revision 1.2.2
The YAML specification and and other core YAML projects can all be found on GitHub under the yaml organization. This is the place to get the source code, report or fix bugs, and discuss YAML topics publicly.
YAML Reference Card
%YAML 1.1 # Reference card --- Collection indicators: '? ' : Key indicator. ': ' : Value indicator. '- ' : Nested series entry indicator.
YAML Ain't Markup Language
Why does YAML forbid tabs? Tabs have been outlawed since they are treated differently by different editors and tools. And since indentation is so critical to proper interpretation of YAML, this issue is just too tricky to even attempt.
Yet Another Markup Language (YAML) 1.0
2001年12月10日 · This specification describes the interface and required behavior of a YAML processor in terms of how it must read or write YAML document streams and the information it must provide to or obtain from the application.