yjjimpaopao - 搜狗百科
2024年9月24日 · yjjimpaopao(1995年12月27日-),出生于广东,真名何浩佳,别名炮炮,前iG电子竞技俱乐部OW分部队员,斗鱼直播主播。 yjjimpaopao曾获得ow第一个全国冠军、pgl冠军、美国世界杯八强、第一届单挑王冠军。 2022年9月9日,yjjpaopao与游戏女主播女流(本名石悦)结婚。 yjjimpaopao,真名何浩佳,别名炮炮,前iG电子竞技俱乐部OW分部队员,斗鱼主播,直 …
Characterization of YjjJ toxin of Escherichia coli
2017年4月19日 · Here we report functional characterization of a hitherto uncharacterized Escherichia coli TA toxin, YjjJ. YjjJ exhibits several uncommon properties: (i) unlike the genes encoding most type II TA system toxins, the gene encoding YjjJ is present as a single gene and not in an operon, (ii) despite being a homolog of the well-characterized toxin ...
E. coli Toxin YjjJ (HipH) Is a Ser/Thr Protein Kinase That Impacts …
2023年2月23日 · Here, we characterize the E. coli toxin YjjJ (HipH), a putative protein kinase annotated as a member of the family of HipA-like Ser/Thr kinases, which are involved in antibiotic tolerance. Using SILAC-based phosphoproteomics we provide experimental evidence that YjjJ is a Ser/Thr protein kinase and its primary protein substrates are the ...
E. coli Toxin YjjJ (HipH) Is a Ser/Thr Protein Kinase That Impacts …
2022年12月20日 · Here, we characterize the E. coli toxin YjjJ (HipH), a putative protein kinase annotated as a member of the family of HipA-like Ser/Thr kinases, which are involved in antibiotic tolerance.
E. coli Toxin YjjJ (HipH) Is a Ser/Thr Protein Kinase That Impacts …
Here, we characterize the E. coli toxin YjjJ... ABSTRACTProtein Ser/Thr kinases are posttranslational regulators of key molecular processes in bacteria, such as cell division and antibiotic tolerance.
yjjimpaopao - 百度百科
yjjimpaopao,yjj炮炮,广东人,斗鱼平台网络红人。 截至2024年11月,yjjimpaopao在斗鱼平台获得513万关注。
YjjJ is a protein kinase that phosphorylates CsrA, RpmE, and itself. YjjJ was pro-posed to be a protein kinase (11), but experimental evidence of its function was so far missing. To investigate in vivo YjjJ kinase activity and identify its putative targets, we used a SILAC-based phosphoproteomics approach, as described previously (10). Briefly,
944883 - Gene ResultyjjJ toxin YjjJ [] - National Center for ...
2024年12月17日 · Gene ID: 944883, updated on 17-Dec-2024. E. coli Toxin YjjJ (HipH) Is a Ser/Thr Protein Kinase That Impacts Cell Division, Carbon Metabolism, and Ribosome Assembly. Despite being a homolog of HipA, YjjJ seems to have different cellular target (s) than that of HipA. HipB, the cognate antitoxin of HipA, also acts as an antitoxin for YjjJ.
Characterization of YjjJ toxin of Escherichia coli
2017年4月19日 · We show that overproduction of YjjJ has a major influence on bacterial physiology, impacting DNA segregation, cell division, glycogen production, and ribosome assembly. View Show abstract
morphology showed that overexpression of yjjJ leads to filament formation and uneven division of E. coli cells. By monitoring the transcription level of the yjjJ promoter, we found that transcription of yjjJ increases during mid‐exponential growth. We speculate that yjjJ regulates cell division by targeting the Z‐ring formation process.
Functional characterization of yjjj gene in escherichia coli
In this study, we aimed to elucidate the function and the physiological role of yjjJ gene in E. coli. We first adopted a panel of plasmids and promoters to titrate the ectopic expression level of yjjJ and test the effect of overexpression of yjjJ on E. coli growth. We found that high level induction of yjjJ results in cell death.
(PDF) E. coli Toxin YjjJ (HipH) Is a Ser/Thr Protein Kinase That ...
2022年12月20日 · Here, we characterize the E. coli toxin YjjJ (HipH), a putative protein kinase annotated as a member of the family of HipA-like Ser/Thr kinases, which are involved in antibiotic tolerance.
ProteomeXchange Dataset PXD033071
2022年11月28日 · Here we characterize the E. coli toxin YjjJ (HipH), a putative protein kinase annotated as a member of the family of HipA-like Ser/Thr kinases which are involved in antibiotic tolerance. Using SILAC-based phosphoproteomics we provide experimental evidence that YjjJ is a Ser/Thr protein kinase and its primary protein substrates are the ribosomal ...
yjjJ:Gene - EcoliWiki
yjjJ. Mnemonic Systematic nomenclature Synonyms ECK4377, b4385, JW4348, JW4348. edit table </protect> Notes Location(s) and DNA Sequence [back to top] <protect> See Help:Gene_location for help entering information in the Gene Location and DNA sequence table. Strain Map location Genome coordinates Genome browsers
Characterization of YjjJ toxin of Escherichia coli
2017年6月15日 · It is provided the first experimental evidence that YjjJ is a Ser/Thr protein kinase, having as primary protein substrates the ribosomal protein RpmE (L31) and the carbon storage regulator CsrA, and it is shown that overproduction of YJJJ has a major influence on bacterial physiology, impacting DNA segregation, cell division, glycogen production...