Yuan Luo
My primary research interest are computational topology and geometry processing. I am also very interested in their applications in machine learning. My current and previous mentors include Dr. Joel Hass, Dr. Dmitriy Morozov, Dr. Arnur Nigmetov, Dr. Bradley J. Nelson and Dr. Li Cai.
CV | Yuan Luo - yluo.org
2024年9月19日 · https://yluo.org: Work. 2024.07 - 2024.09 : Summer Intern International Computer Science Institute Developed efficient algorithms for computing 2-parameter absolute persistence homology and apply to graph classification tasks. C++, Python, Pybind11, CMake, Graph Classification;
- [PDF]
YUAN LUO - yluo.org
Developed and implemented an optimized C++ algorithm with Python binding for computing absolute multi-parameter persistent homology, utilizing a dynamic tree API. Designed and built a machine learning framework for graph classification, …
Yiyue Luo
I am an Assistant Professor at University of Washington ECE. I received my Ph.D. degree in EECS from MIT in 2024, advised by Professor Wojciech Matusik and Professor Tomas Palacios. Before joining MIT, I received my B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, working with Professor John A. Roger.
2022年2月24日 · 罗忆,研究员,博士生导师,国家级高层次青年人才,武汉理工大学土建学院副院长。 长期聚焦地下工程岩体爆破理论及其工程应用,在深部岩体爆破开挖损伤效应与安全控制、远海岛礁工程安全防护等方面形成系列成果。
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Senior Research Scientist, Tencent AI Lab @ Shenzhen - yluo42
Yuyu Luo | Homepage
I am an Assistant Professor at the Data Science and Analytics Thrust, Information Hub, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I also hold an affiliated position at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Clear Water Bay campus at Hong Kong.
最近需要自己编译OpenCV主要有两个出发点: 想用OpenCV调用Kinect摄像头,发现需要OpenCV支持OpenNI; 目前的SIFT,SURF算法都从OpenCV源码中移除,放到了opencv_contrib里面,需要一起编译才可以; 希望OpenCV支持C++11特性。 基于以上目的 ... TF坐标变换机器人中存在大量组件,各个组件之间都使用各自的相对坐标系,这些坐标系之间的变换往往十分复杂。 ROS中为了方便维护这些坐标系之间的变换,提供了TF功能包。 从图中也 …
Young and undamaged recombinant albumin alleviates T2DM by …
2023年2月6日 · Results: In this study, treatment of T2DM mice with young, undamaged, and ultrapure recombinant mouse serum albumin (rMSA) increased their serum albumin levels, which resulted in a reversal of the disease including reduced fasting blood glucose levels, improved glucose tolerance, increased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and alleviated isl...