Alteryx Database File Format
The YXDB format is the most efficient file type for reading and writing in Alteryx because it has no size limit, is compressed for maximum speed, and includes additional metadata that …
Alteryx File Types
The Alteryx database format (.yxdb) is a file type that can hold data fields, values, and spatial objects. The .yxdb format is the most efficient file type for reading and writing in Alteryx …
Solved: Creating Alteryx database yxdb. - Alteryx Community
2017年8月17日 · The Alteryx database format (. yxdb) is a file type that can hold data fields, values, and spatial objects . The . yxdb format is the most efficient file type for reading and …
Alteryx 数据库文件格式
YXDB 格式是 Alteryx 中读写效率最高的文件类型,因为它没有大小限制,经过压缩以实现最大速度,并且包含引用数据源和数据创建方式的附加元数据。 虽然对行数或文件大小没有限制, …
tlarsendataguy-yxdb - GitHub
YXDB is a file format created by Alteryx to store and transfer data. It is moderately compressed for faster reads and is self-contained; all field metadata is included in the YXDB header. Why …
YXDB 文件,如何打开或转换? | FileDesc.com
YXDB 文件: Alteryx Designer Database。读到这里 YXDB 文件是什么,你需要什么样的应用程序打开或转换。
Alteryx教程:数据分析的全面实践指南 - uneedai
选择设置连接 > 文件 > Alteryx数据库 (.yxdb) > TutorialData.yxdb. 从Alteryx数据库获取数据. 一旦数据被导入Alteryx,分析师和数据科学家通常会开始对数据进行检查和数据分析,以更好地了 …
GitHub - alteryx/OpenYXDB
The Alteryx OpenYXDB provides a set of mechanisms to read/write of YXDB file format. The library was tested under Visual Studio 2019, GCC9, MingGW. The only documentation for now …
How to create and modify .yxdb file? - Alteryx Community
2016年9月7日 · A yxdb file is a database file - I believe it only stores the data generated by a query, not any details on the query itself. A yxdb file is usually created by the Output tool in a …
yxdb - PyPI
2024年7月11日 · yxdb-py is a library for reading YXDB files into Python. install using pip install yxdb. The library does not have external dependencies and is a pure Python solution. The …