直-8 - 百度百科
直-8(中国代号:Z-8,英文:Changhe Z-8,中文命名:“神雕”-8)直升机,是中国在20世纪90年代以法国SA321直升机(“超黄蜂”直升机)为基础仿制改进的13吨级多用途直升机。
Changhe Z-18 - Wikipedia
The Changhe Z-18, also known as Z-8G, [1] is a medium-lift transport helicopter developed by Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) to replace the Changhe/Harbin Z-8. The Z-18 is a development of the Avicopter AC313 and Changhe/Harbin Z-8, both of which are developments of the Aérospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon. [2][1]
Changhe Z-8 Transport Helicopter - Airforce Technology
2021年1月11日 · The Z-8JA is a ship-borne variant of Z-8 capable of landing on water. Z-8JA and Z-8JH are currently in service with PLANAF, executing transport and medical evacuation operations respectively. Avicopter AC313 is a modernised derivative of the Z-8.
直-8 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
直-18J预警机:原型机直-8直升机,终极改进提高版本 - 知乎
直-18J舰载预警机,取消了天线伺服运动系统,机载警戒雷达的电子扫描速度快,可在数秒钟内完成对多个目标的同时搜索、跟踪和识别;而且抗干扰能力强,具备电子战能力,能对来自海空的威胁及时报警,发出有效的目标告警信息。 具备对隐形目标、低空目标和小型目标的探测和识别能力,足以承担起对海空范围内目标的警戒探测和监视任务,引导防空导弹对来袭的空中目标实施有效拦截,引导反舰导弹对超视距目标进行毁灭性打击,从而有力的增强了我航母编队的作战能力 …
军事科普:直-8(Z-8)大型直升机 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
直-8(中国代号:Z-8,英文:Changhe Z-8,中文命名:“神雕”-8)直升机,是我国在20世纪90年代以法国SA321直升机(“超黄蜂”直升机)为基础仿制改进的13吨级多用途直升机。
Chinese Military Aviation: Helicopters I - Blogger
Z-8 is a land or ship based ASW/SAR helicopter based upon French SA-321Ja Super Frelon (13 were bought in the late 70s). The helicopter was developed in the 80s by Changhe Aircraft Industrial Corporation (CHAIC) and gave the Chinese valuable experience of building a medium-sized helicopter.
直-8系列 - 直-8系列 - 中航直升机股份有限公司 - AVIC
直8直升机是亚洲最大吨位的多用途直升机,也是我国交付部队使用的第一种直升机。 该机采用单旋翼带尾桨常规气动布局,配装三台发动机,装有前三点式两栖起落架,具有安全性好、三防能力强和功能全等优势,可广泛适用于军用、通用航空和准军事领域的需求,可执行武器装备/人员/货物运输、森林防火、搜索救援、地质勘探、海洋考察、公务飞行和反恐维稳等任务。 Z8WJS/Z8AWJS. 森林消防局原为武警部队森林指挥部,后改制为应急管理部森林消防局,其装备 …
中国直-8运输SAR直升飞机_Zhi-8 Transport / SAR Helicopter…
Z-8JA/JH. A shipborne variant designated Z-8J has recently entered service with the PLA Navy. As the original variant Z-8 did not possess the ability to take-off and land on surface vessels, the Z-8J features some modifications in its landing gears to allow shipborne operations.
直-8舰载运输直升机 - 百度百科