How is the Pentax ZX-L film camera? - PentaxForums.com
2009年2月1日 · The ZX-L has been talked about in 2 or 3 threads in the past couple of months. It will easily make anyone's top 4 Pentax autofocus body list. I would rank the MZ-S #1, the ZX-L #2,the Pz1p # 3 and the *ist at #4 but this is highly subjective. When cost vs. features, the ZX-L …
Pentax MZ-6 / MZ-L / ZX-L - Pentax Autofocus Film SLRs - Pentax …
2020年5月24日 · The Pentax MZ-L / ZX-L / MZ-6 has the traditional exposure modes Av, Tv, and M in addition to a number of program modes: Green, Portrait, Landscape, Close-up, Action and Night scene. The camera also has the auto-pict mode where it automatically selects the program modes that fits the scene the best.
ZX-L after a generation - PentaxForums.com
2021年2月21日 · Hello All, I have tried to resurrect my previously working "ZX-L" after more than 15 years. Got two fresh sets of CR-2 batteries and fresh roles of film. Upon replacing with new batteries "most" of the controls seem to work except actuation of shutter release.
Pentax MZ-6/MZ-L/ZX-L - PentaxForums.com
2010年12月7日 · This seems to be a general Pentax trend as they went to matrix and other such fancy metering. Maybe it's just that I'm used to center weighted metering in the older cameras, but I get more consistent results with these than with the Zx-L. Autofocus as well has the modern Pentax foibles, though the ZX-L is better than the ZX-10.
Question about ZX-L... - PentaxForums.com
2020年3月28日 · Question about ZX-L... I put on the FG battery grip with AA battery's and put in a roll of film, took a shot & it advanced and it show's #2 ready (took a minute to figue out how to set it lol) So tldr is: After I took a photo, I turned the camera …
Has your MZ-6 / MZ-L / ZX-L mirror gear failed?
2017年6月12日 · I'm curious if you have experienced the infamous plastic mirror gear failure on a MZ-6 / MZ-L / ZX-L body. It seems this model, which was one of the last MZ series bodies made, may have had at least some bodies made with a brass …
Pentax MZ-7 / ZX-7 - Pentax Autofocus Film SLRs - Pentax Forums
2020年3月25日 · As far as the MZ/ZX-7 goes, its an okay camera. I like how it functions except for the fact that you have no control over the AF point at all and you have no idea which of the 3 points it is using. For as cheap as this camera was I can't complain much but I found that the ZX-L with its option to use the center focus point only is much better.
Hands-On Comparison MZ-5n vs MZ-L (6) vs MZ-S
2008年12月19日 · Enter the ZX-6/L. First mod out of the box will be to add a split screen. My understanding is that it throws spot metering off, and there seems disagreement as to whether the variation is linear. Either way, I am a little on the fence as between a ZX-5n and the ZX-6/L. Anyone care to take a stab at which one I am going to like better?
Can modern lenses be used with Pentax MZ-6/MZ-L/ZX-L
2020年8月31日 · My understanding is: Pentax MZ-6/MZ-L/ZX-L fully works with F, FA and DA lens. It also works with D-FA lenses as long as they have the aperture lever (instead of electromagnetic aperture). Electromagnetic apertures are only on latest lenses such as D-FA 50mm 1.4, D-FA 85mm 1.4, and maybe others.
ZX-L film advance problem - PentaxForums.com
2008年8月15日 · I'm having a problem with my ZX-L. Sometimes it does not advance the film all the way, so I get some frame overlap/double exposure at the edges of the ZX-L film advance problem - PentaxForums.com