Home page - ZAMET Group - Grupa Zamet
Zamet Group. Zamet Group is a global manufacturer of large-size steel structures, machines and equipment for industry.
Zamet - Trunking and cable trays for the conveyance of electric …
Zamet SpA is one of the major Italian manufacturers of trunking systems for the conveyance of electric cables both in the civil and industrial environments, and it boasts over 40 years of extensive experience in design and production for the …
About us - ZAMET Group - Grupa Zamet
Zamet Group is a dynamically developing brand with more than 200 years of experience in production of equipment for metallurgical and mining industry and large-size steel structures for material handling and […]
Zamet - Passerelle e Canaline metalliche per posa cavi elettrici
La Zamet SpA è una delle maggiori produttrici italiane di sistemi di canalizzazione metalliche porta cavi elettrici sia in ambito civile che industriale,vanta una vasta esperienza di oltre 40 anni nella progettazione e produzione per le più svariate applicazioni anche a disegno.
Home page - Zamet industry
Zamet Industry located in Piotrków Trybunalski in Poland, is one of the leading manufacturer of large-size steel structures, machines and equipment for industry.
Zamet - Chemins de câbles et goulottes métalliques pour la pose …
Zamet SpA est un des principaux producteurs italiens de systèmes de goulottes métalliques porte-câbles électriques tant dans le domaine civil que dans le domaine industriel, elle vante plus de 40 ans d’expérience dans la conception et la réalisation de systèmes pour les applications les plus diverses, même sur dessin du client.
Zamet SpA:意大利专业电缆输送产品制造商 - 知乎
Zamet SpA多年来一直参与工业设备的开发,为电缆设计了一整套特定的运输系统。 目前,ZAMET SpA 的生产分为不同的系统,因其多功能性、独创性和功能性的特点而享誉全球。
Our Companies - ZAMET Group - Grupa Zamet
The Zamet Group production is concentrated in portfolio companies with assigned specializations: Piotrków Trybunalski delivers solutions for Subsea (among others Connection Systems, Subsea Trees) and Offshore (Oil Rig / FPSO Equipment) sectors, as well as loading and unloading equipment (including cranes and winches) and mining equipment ...
Zamet - ZM Walkable trunking for cable laying around machines
Zamet SPA - Capitale sociale: 1.806.000 Int.Vers. - P.IVA - Cod. Fisc. - EU VAT 05409250015 / REA Torino N. 707578 Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di ZAMET INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. - C.F. e numero di iscrizione 11579490019 del Registro delle Imprese di …
意大利ZAMET是知名的工业品牌,意大利Zamet SPA主要生产电缆槽,电缆梯架等产品,ZAMET的产品主要应用于工业生产设备等领域。