Zhang Jike Technique Compilation from a ZJK fan
2011年10月23日 · On request from Dan, I have reposted this technique compilation of Zhang Jike on Tabletennisdaily.co.uk. I have always been a big fan of Zhang Jike, and am always trying to copy his style.This thread is for ZJK fans who want more detailed analysis of his technique. The materials are all from...
ZJK blades discontinued | TableTennisDaily
2024年12月26日 · I think everyone is aware that Zhang Jike recently signed with Donic. The Butterfly blades such as Zjk alc, zlc, szlc has been discontinued, out of production. Just a reminder for anyone who is thinking about getting one for playing or collection, the prices will go up soon and is already happening in places like China.
Whats the difference between the zjk alc and the zjk zlc and the szlc
2019年2月7日 · The ALC will feel most like the Ma Long 5. The ZLC will offer a bit more pop (I find the trajectory a bit higher with ZLC) and the super ZLC will make Butterfly feel like they are marketing geniuses (it’s not worth the money).
Zhang Jike signs with Donic | TableTennisDaily
2024年12月19日 · maybe zjk fanboys hacked donic social media account but seriously speaking, butterfly removed him when he had his scandals so i won't be surprised he is pissed off. Donic must have paid a lot of money to get him
Just tried ZJK ZLC, why don't people like ZLC? | TableTennisDaily
2022年4月19日 · ZJK ZLC seems to be awkwardly positioned where there are better choices for spin and more famous models that bring out the Koto spring (Viscaria structure ALC and LYJ/ZJK SZLC) Click to expand... You kinda got it, If ZLC is being used it should be together with Limba and Innerforce -construction
Zhang Jike signs with Donic | Page 2 | TableTennisDaily
2024年12月19日 · Special edition versions being announced: Donic ZJK Gambler’s Chance Edition (1 in 10 chance the blade will be made by Soulspin) Donic ZJK The Director’s Cut (includes multiple cameras imbedded into the blade giving a 3D view of your strokes)
Butterfly Zhang Jike Super ZLC Blade Review | TableTennisDaily
2014年8月26日 · i have only tried the regular ZJK alc for a short while from a friend. I find it not too fast. it had spin art and t05 glued on it. even with t05 it wasnt that fast. good spinner's blade i guess. also, IMHO, the regular zjk blade was hurriedly made in order to capitalize zjk's rise to stardom at that time. i think they improved the blade better on the super version
DONIC New Zhang Jike blade | Page 3 | TableTennisDaily
2025年2月13日 · Der Echte's blade is cheap but mine was even cheaper and still better looking than this Donic ZJK. A $3 Loki V5 where I slapped unboosted Battle 2 Gold and unboosted Jupiter 3 . I beat everyone with it, from W968 with National H3 BS boosted, to Prasidha with D09c on both sides. I sold it to a...
The difference between TMB T5000 & ZJK/Lin SP ZLC
2024年8月3日 · Especially since Butterfly rubbers are high quality and the Dignics series have a bit more dwell to combat the quick release of T5000. I do prefer Hinoki in my T5000 and would take the Sardius or the Primorac Carbon over the Boll or ZJK. But I am not you. @Takkyu_wa_inochi plays with thr ZJK T5000. I tried the Boll T5000 but couldn't stick with ...
Zhang Jike signs with Donic | Page 6 | TableTennisDaily
2024年12月19日 · I agree with ZJK about the weight of a blade; anything above 90 gr is just crazy for amateur. Personally, I prefer it 83-86 gram. Depends on the rubbers as well… With light rubbers it’s good. You then get a low center of gravity with a little weight behind. This is better than a light blade...