java - What is JBPM? Why use it? - Stack Overflow
jBpm is a flexible, extensible workflow management system. Business processes , expressed in a simple and powerfull language and packaged in process archives, serve as input for the jBpm runtime server. jBpm bridges the gap between managers and developers by giving them a common language : the jBpm Process definition language (jPdl).
bonitasoft bpm vs jBPM vs Activiti - Stack Overflow
2019年1月24日 · jBPM: jBPM is a very powerful Open Source BPM Engine which has a lot of features. The web modeler even supports prefabricated models of some van der Aalst workflow patterns (workflowpatterns.com). Business-IT-Alignment is realizable because jBPM offers an Eclipse integration as well as a web-based modeler.
How to get global variables from jbpm-process within WorkItem
2016年9月10日 · jBPM 6.4, wildfly 8.2 UPDATE: as user livthomas has suggested, instead of WorkItemHandler interface I've tried to extend my class to AbstractWorkiItemHandler as follows:
Spring boot integration with JBPM 7.23.0 - Stack Overflow
2019年7月11日 · It works with the jBPM starter applications from jBPM - Build your business application expanded to demonstrate more complete examples. original-business-application-kjar: A kjar project. The kjar project holds the process flows, business rules, optimization and other information needed to implement and run in the jBPM runtime engine.
bpmn - Is it possible to access a process instance id from within …
2015年1月16日 · We're hoping to put a running instance id into context within our jbpm workflow so we can use it along with the remote queries to pull data back about our running application. Anyone know if this is
JBPM rest calls with JSON - Stack Overflow
2014年3月7日 · We want to start a process in JBPM6 using the rest API. We need to pass an object as a process variable. We know how to do it JAXB and the execute call. But we want to do it with JSON and /runtime/{
jBPM 5: how to remove or change a completed task?
I am developing a web application that manage invoices through a workflow with different states. I am using jBPM 5 for that purpose and the way I launch one specific invoice through workflow is next: getTaskService().activate(taskId, userId); getTaskService().claim(taskId, userId); getTaskService().start(taskId, userId);
authentication - Drools JBPM Process - Make REST call to an SSL ...
There is able to make a REST call from JBPM process to an API without SSL authenticated by using REST WorkItemHandler. I pretty sure how to do that. The problem is how to make a REST call to HTTPS API, i have tried many times with the REST WorkItemHandler input parameters, but got no chances. The returned error:
jboss - True Parallel Processing in jBPM - Stack Overflow
2010年11月17日 · jBPM solution should execute tasks in parallel, and not, how it is done by default, sequential. I have read jBPM documentation which suggests to use async="true" on the nodes/tasks, however it is unclear on how exactly this should be implemented. One of the suggestion was to persist it in DB, and send the tasks to JMS queue, not to deal with ...
jboss - Objects and web-services in jBPM - Stack Overflow
2014年2月6日 · jBPM can call web services and contain custom libraries. A jBPM project is a Maven project, so you can add dependencies to your POM to include custom libraries. You can call web services or execute any custom Java code …